Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree!
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree!
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Just ONE MORE PRESENT to buy and then I am officially finished with Christmas shopping. WHEW! If I had to search one more store for crystal-looking salt and pepper shakers, I was going to vomit. As it is, I didn't end up getting those for my mom, and chose instead a few smaller items that she did and did not ask for. The rest of the presents have been purchased over the last several days, and most of them came directly from Christmas Wish Lists.
Originally, I thought lists were the lamest thing ever. Who wants to go shopping for someone when the person already knows what they're going to get? They may as well just go buy it themselves. Isn't "hint dropping" enough these days? However, after trapsing about the greater Twin Cities region collecting list items a bit at a time, I have to say I'm a bit thankful that I didn't have to put tons of thought into every single friggen gift.
Every year it gets worse. Why does my family have to keep growing? Isn't one nephew enough? But nooooo, someone gets all sparkly-eyed and another kid's on the way, and surely the other brother will follow suit soon. ::sigh:: Just wait til I have in-laws to buy for too. :P
Eh, despite my whining, I do still love the Christmas season. It's sad, I know. But trees, cookies, and Bing just bring out my sappy side. Tis the season, I guess. Tomorrow Chris and I are off to GB for X-mas festivities, and then we're zooming right back to MN on Christmas Day to celebrate with his fam.
So it begins...
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Tonight I drove home to GB where I was greeted by two parents and two dogs. As soon as I made myself presentable (aka putting on clothes that don't look like shit), we headed to Coaches Corner for their wonderful Thursday night special: buy one pizza, get one for a penny AND double bubble tap beer all night. So, we ordered a supreme, a pepperoni and sausage, and a couple pitchers of beer. It's always interesting splitting two pitchers of beer with your parents...I opted to be the designated driver, so I had 2 glasses instead of the 3 or 4 my parents must have had.
I'm only here until Saturday because Jasmine (Lance's older sister) is having a b-day party at a fairly new club in MN--Vallentino's. So, Jenny and I are tagging along with Tricia, and Chris might be bringing some of his buddies with him too. It should be a good time, since it'll be the first time going out with Jenny now that she's back in the US. And I could REALLY use a night of dressing-to-kill and then dancing the night away. Now to figure out what the hell I'm going to wear...
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Expecting a New Arrival...
More than one, in fact. It turns out September was a very productive time (must be something about being teachers). No, I'm not pregnant. Hell no. Thank GOD hell no. But I know two people who are:
#1. My sister-in-law Beth and my brother Chris are expecting a second bundle of joy, so lucky Matthew gets to be a big brother sometime in June. Whew, as if they weren't busy enough already!
#2. My friend Amy from high school and her hubby Geoff are also expecting their second tyke, so lucky Kate gets to be a big sister. Whoopee!
But there's one more that's expected. Actually, it's an arrival I've anticipated for a while, and (honestly) for which I am much more excited.
#3. JENNY FLIES HOME SATURDAY!!!! :) (Please excuse the excessive use of punctuation. I think Jenny's homecoming warrants the use of two, three, perhaps even FOUR exclamation points.)
Jenny and I on the Eiffel. We took the picture ourselves--classy, eh?
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
The moment I saw this game advertised in a flyer, I knew what my brother wanted for Christmas without needing to see a list. I am SO borrowing X-Box from my brother some day.
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
You thought they were left behind when grade school closed its doors? Oh no, they're still here. Just a little more..."matured" since the days of white shirts, plaid jumpers, spiral perms and pink-rimmed glasses.
You know us former Catholic school girls...always trouble with a capital T-empting. (I never knew I could look so evil.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Sorry about that. I sort of disappeared for the last week and a half. Things have been a bit busy...sort of.
Most of this week I've been subbing back at CMS again, and last week I was there for 3 days as well. The staff has commented, "It's like you never left." And it's oh so true. Except that I don't have to spend my nights correcting papers or planning for the next day. I get paid $20 less, but for a HELL of a lot less work. For instance, this week I managed to finish Destiny's Way from the Star Wars: New Jedi Order series just from the prep times I had during the school day. Yes, I'm a fast reader, but 2.5 hours a day of free time certainly helps.
Otherwise, I've been hanging out with friends, playing video games, attending the DNA concert last Friday, and helping to throw a Bday party for Chris's friend and roomie, Lee. Tricia and I also created a wonderful Bday care package for Jenni that I just mailed today, so Jenni, you can expect it sometime tomorrow or perhaps Friday. I think you'll enjoy it.
I'm trying to get myself organized now that I have more time. It started with my room and has extended to various tasks I've been avoiding for months: signing up for the Praxis II to get my full MN teaching license, paying bills, getting letters of recommendation, etc.
That reminds me, Friday I have an interview for a junior high school in a Northeastern suburb. It would mean a 30 min drive (approximately) but it could mean a full time job from Christmas to the next school year, possibly beyond. Needless to say, I hope to put on a good show for the interview. I know my experience at CMS has helped me IMMENSELY, so I think this interview will go better than others. However, there is a part time staff member currently at that school who is also applying that may hold precidence over me, an outsider. In that case, only a part time job would be open, which would likely not be worth the drive, nor sacrificing the long term sub job I have pretty much set for the end of Jan. to mid March.
If it wasn't so late, I'd try to make this entry a bit more interesting, with all sorts of "bells and whistles," but that will have to wait for next time. I'm thinking picture, I'm thinking witty commentary, I'm thinking perhaps another load of KRAP. Patience, my friends. All in good time. Like maybe over the weekend.
Sunday, November 07, 2004
I finished my long term teaching job on Wednesday. When I was almost finished with grading and such, I rushed off to La Casita from my very own first going-away party. I tell you, that day I felt soooooo loved. There were cards signed my teachers and students, flowers, an ivy plant in a pretty pot, a little teddy bear, a gift card to Olive Garden, and lots of hugs and well-wishers. There was only one sore point with one stupid kid, but I pretty well decided I'd had enough of his shit, so I yelled at him, told him I was tired of his crap, and that if he said one more word, he was out. The other teacher just kicked him out at that. Good luck to him in the future--what a whiny, ignorant, selfish brat.
But I'm going to miss most of the students and the staff. They really went out of their way for me. Thursday I was able to stop at the National Middle School Conference, picking up a bit of free stuff and attending a few seminars. The seminars were pretty boring, but I can always mention the training on applications. I also stopped at the middle school in an attempt to finish up the grading, but no, I ran out of time since I was carpooling with some teachers to the conference.
And then on Friday, I had my first short term sub job at a high school teaching math for the day. It went surprisingly well, considering I'm an English teacher and it's been 5 years since I took my last math course. The only bad part was that I was really really sick. I woke up in the morning with a swollen throat and a the chills. But I didn't want to call in sick on my first job outside the district I had been working in. I wanted to make sure I had a good start and continued a good reputation to keep up my options for future employment. Plus, it would have left Kelly Services with only an hour to find a substitute. Probably plenty of time, but I went anyway. Afterwards, I planned on stopping at the middle school to finally finish taking my stuff to my car and finish grading. I did that, and the secretary opened the door for me. She took one look at me and said, "You're sick." So they took my temperature, looked at my throat, and told me I should go get checked out for strep throat.
So I called Chris, he picked me up, and we went to the ER (the clinic was closed) to get me checked out. 4 hours later we were on our way home. That sucked so bad. But after two shots in my ass, antiobiotic pills, and a weekend of bedrest, I feel a lot better. Tomorrow afternoon I'm stopping at the middle school to FINALLY finish the grading, and to ask a few questions about my sub job teaching special ed. there on Tuesday. I also have 3 days subbing lined up for next week as well. Kelly Services and the awesome staff at the middle school are making sure I stay busy. I tell you one thing though. Tomorrow my phone stays OFF in the morning. No 6:50 am call for ME this time. At least not until Wed.
Monday, November 01, 2004
Just Tuesday and Wednesday left, that's it, then I'm outta there. Today just flew by, and I expect tomorrow and Wednesday to do the same.
Tomorrow I leave work in a timely manner so I may vote, as it is Election Day. I'm all ready to vote....shit, no I'm not. I haven't yet looked up the local candidates in my precinct. Dang, guess I have to check that out sometime tomorrow during the school day. I hate voting for people if I don't have at least a CLUE as to who they are and what they stand for. I've already decided upon a presidential candidate, though it kills me to choose the lesser of two evils. Damn two party pseudo-democracy. Nader's better than the last 5 presidents put together.
Wednesday will be a day for games and pictures and then a sweet going away party :) One of the teachers decided I needed a proper send off, so we're meeting with other staff for drinks after work, and then she's buying me dinner. The worst part about leaving the job (aside from the dependable income) is the great staff. And no, Tricia, I do not mean "great staff" as in the quarterstaff of flame my Champions of Norrath wizard is currently wielding.
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Tomorrow is the Friday before Halloween. You know what that means? I'm going to be tricky.
You see, the administration said at the staff meeting weeks ago that they would have no policy on costumes. They would not encourage costumes, but not ban them either. Well, today at the very end of the day, they made an announcement saying NO COSTUMES. Needless to say, I was a bit miffed.
Amber, the science teacher across the hall, had talked with me about costumes and said she would wear one if I did. She was planning as dressing as a cell because her students are studying plant and animal cells right now in the class. Her costume would have consisted of wearing all black and then sticking felt cut outs all over herself to represent the different parts of a cell. She suggested I wear something that had to do with my class as well. So I thought about it.
I was going to wear a toga. Yep, a toga. My students are studying Greek/Roman mythology, so what could be more appropriate. Tricia even has a nice garland of fake flowers and leaves that I can wear in my hair. Naturally I'd be wearing clothes underneath the toga, although I'm sure that going without would have been quite comfortable. You can understand my miffiness when I heard the announcement.
Thing is, I'm being observed by the associate principal tomorrow during one of my English classes. While discussing the observation with him, I asked about the change in policy about the costumes, and he said yeah, they decided to change that. So, I mentioned what I had planned for a costume, and he said well...I don't have to say anything about it if you just wear it in class. YAY! I'm such a rebel. Hell, it's not even an official observation--I asked him to watch me teach so he can write a good recommendation for me. Besides, I'm done in 4 days! What are they going to do, fire me?
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Six days to go at the middle school before I enter the world of short-term substitute teaching. Yay. My English students are working on writing their own myths, so of course less than half of them had their first draft done for today for the peer editing we did in class. I just hope that a few of the students that never turned in their Hercules paper or did poorly on it will have to motivation to do well on this paper. Heck, it's a fictional story; how hard is that to write? Honestly, I am pretty much spoonfeeding this paper to them.
On the other front, I'm slowly gaining my humanity back. For the couple months I have been losing what's left of my humanity, bit by school-filled bit. Any human blood I had was being replaced by Teacher blood. It was a scary, scary moment. I feared my roommate's and significant other's life, that the Teacher in me would eventually destroy them.
Thankfully, that was not their fate. I have emerged from the abyss, using the little resistance I had left, and I'm finally leveling off. Teaching still takes a lot of work, but I've finally gotten into a good routine. Of course, now I'm finishing up in this position, and I'll be done next Wed. The teacher I'm subbing for came in today to talk about what's been going on in the classroom, and she'll be coming next week to observe and get things set. Yippee.
I'm so torn. Part of me is sad to leave MY classroom; the other part of me will be VERY happy for the time off from all the work. At least there's a party this weekend. Parties solve everything. And I can't wait to don my Catholic school girl "costume." ;)
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Just a week and a half left to this first teaching job of mine. I've been a "long term sub," but it has certainly been a full time job and more these last few months. I'll be sad to leave the staff, sad to leave some of the kids, and certainly sad to leave the reliable income. On the other hand, not having to get up EVERY morning at 6am also sounds rather nice. ::sigh:: Stupid work ethic :P
Friday, October 22, 2004
Yes, call me crazy, but tonight I have plans to see Team America, what's sure to be a heart-felt piece of genius, teaming with majesty that brings it to the symbolic level of Forrest Gump and Care Bears: The Movie. Or it will sick and wrong and full of political criticism, just what I'd expect from the creators of South Park. Either way, it ought be a lot of fun ;)
Monday, October 18, 2004
Friday, October 15, 2004
Tonight, Tricia and I finally finished Champions of Norrath, or at least the beginners' level. We imported our characters to the "Courageous" level and will likely start the whole thing over again starting at levels 19 and 18 sometime next week. For now, we've decided we need a little break from it. What's nice is that we really drew out the game, playing for just an hour here and there, except tonight we felt like finishing it so it was more like 3 hours of playing.
In the real world, I'm finishing up my long term sub position at the middle school and searching for another long term position. The principal and Kelly Services have informed me about an opening at the high school Jan-Febish as another long term sub for an English teacher on maternity leave. Not a bad deal considering the kids have off half the days from now until then anyway, so it's probably the best time to be unemployed/short term substitute teaching now and then. I mean, there's the National Conference, Thanksgiving, and Christmas break, all with days off. So it's not like I'd be working much then anyway.
It pretty well sucks that I'm not under contract so I don't get paid as much or get the insurance benefits, but at least I'm getting $130/day right now, which could be worse. I'll just have to worry about buying my own insurance come January when I'm off my parents' insurance finally. ::sigh:: I suppose while I'm off of work I should get in an eye exam and a dental visit before it ends up costing me.
On a lighter note, today marks the end of Parent-Teacher conferences, which I have to say are pretty much a breeze. Yeah, it sucked having to sit all day at work, but it was cool to be paid to catch up on grading, sit at my desk listening to my favorite music, chat with some friends in the rooms next door, and occassionally talk to some parents about how good/shitty their kids are. In addition, next week's going to rock cuz there's only 2 days of teaching, and then 1 day of district inservice meetings, and 2 days of optional attendance at the state teachers' convention where you can get plenty of free samples (food, candy, pencils, pens, pointless knicknacks, and business cards) and also pick up some cheap shit for teaching. Sometimes the seminars aren't too bad either. Last convention I attended I was able to listen to Bob Kann speak, and he was hilarious and had some great ideas about using humor and storytelling in the classroom.
I guess that's about it for now. My parents are living it up in Aruba, celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary from August. My mom convinced my dad to go parasailing with her this time, they went on a cruise, and they're going snorkeling tomorrow. And so naturally I'm jealous of their beach-going in 85 degree weather while I'm bundled up here in the low 40's with freezing rain. But oh well. Tomorrow I'm off to see Death Cab for Cutie FINALLY in concert after falling in love with their music while traversing Europe last winter. And then it's a friend's surprise birthday party which should be a nice break from the monotonous life I've lived this week of conferences, working 12+ hour days.
A parent said today, "Teaching must be a calling. I can't see why else anyone would do it." And I just nodded my head. Sometimes I have no clue why I'm in this profession. And then I see a kid improve and succeed, hear a brilliant comment during a discussion, or have a student smile and say "Have a good weekend, Ms. Collins." And then I realize I can only hate teaching for so long before I remember why I love it.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Well, as Bailey says, "Sometimes life is just ruff." School's not that bad, just a few students who are growing up to be brats. I'm working on fixing that, little by little, call home by call home, and it's not like I'll be there much longer anyway. On the plus side, I may have a job for a couple months in the spring. So yay!
Friday, October 08, 2004
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
How to catch the bouquet:
1) Show up for the wedding and wedding reception.
2) Be sure to wear a stunning short red strapless dress with laces up the side.
3) Shmooze with significant other's family and friends.
4) Dance.
5) Listen for the announcement "All single ladies to the dancefloor."
6) Stand on the dancefloor, waiting patiently while the bride chooses that exact moment for a bathroom break.
7) Hide yourself in the very back of the group of excited girls, as far away from the bride as possible.
8) Stay complete still while the bouquet flies through the air.
9) Stare dumbfoundedly as the bouquet falls into your open hands.
10) In vain, try to hide the bouquet from the signifcant other's family who has been anticipating our marriage since the first day my name was mentioned, take a picture with the random garter-catching man, and blush until your face matches your dress.
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
I may be exaggerating things, but I'm beginning to think I'd be just as well if I moved into my classroom. All of my school stuff is already there, yes, but why not just put my bed and favorite reading chair there too?
As it is, I've been spending more time there than at home (WITH SLEEPING!). I just can't seem to get ahead at any point. Whether someone sticks something in my mailbox that I have to handout, discuss, or fill out; whether my students make life difficult for me by making me have to plan different activities for different classes to account for SPED and new incoming students; whether my computer decides that it must fuck up my MS Word documents by implementing a mandatory 2.87 in. bottom margin on everything I print off; or whether I am completely stumped as to what I can do with my Basic Reading Skills students when there are 30 kids cramped in a small room and my only goal is to "stall" for the next couple days while their data is being entered into the computers.
I learn at least 5 new things every day. 5 new responsibilites. 5 new students. 5 new ways not to teach a lesson. 5 new ways for a student to piss me off. 5 new reasons not to wear a wrap skirt. 5 new reasons why chalkboards should be eliminated. 5 new objects in the room that the custodian needs to fix for me.
Oh, there's plus sides to be sure. Some of the students are total sweethearts and make me smile when they say hi to me in the hall or in the lunchroom. The staff has been nothing but helpful and they're a cool bunch to hang out with too (especially with a margarita on the side). I love having my own classroom, own desk, and basically being my own boss with the primary duty of bossing around young ones ;) And there's the compliments like this one, "I have to do the most work in your class." ::sigh:: Like music to my ears.
Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Happy Birthday Tricia! Let me take you away from your grad school worries and carry you to a world of fun, pizza, and hard cider! A world called Old Chicago.
Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Yeah, I've got a big sword. And I KNOW how to use it. Dammit.
Today, I'm ashamed to say I REALLY wished I was as rash as Inuyasha and could just bash a kid on the head for saying something annoying or stupid. My first two classes were fine, but when the third set of English students came around, something must have been in the air. There were a few of them that were unbelievably obnoxious. It took all the restraint I have (and that's saying a lot) not to just kick them all out of the room.
As it was I did kick one student out for a few minutes. He just would NOT shut up! I wanted to scream it at him: "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU LITTLE TURD!" Thankfully, I held my temper and kept class going as smoothly as possible. I felt sorry for the other kids that were behaving; it must have been really boring to hear me repeatedly asking/telling the chatty corner to be quiet. Tomorrow I'll have to make some changes.
Change #1: New seating arrangement. I told the kids they could pick their spots, and if they didn't work out, I could move them. Well, one day into the seating arrangement and I'm already moving kids. I could have just assigned this chatty group seats to begin with, but I thought I would give them a fighting chance--that way I couldn't be called unfair. Shyeah right, that ends now. These kids are moving to the far reaches of the room (though I wish it could be the far reaches of space).
Change #2: Now that I know these kids better by name, you can bet I'll be curtailing their rude behavior ASAP. I can't let them get to me, and I can't let them disrupt the class, keeping us from getting into the material. So, time for a boost of confidence, and a boost of guts. These kids are going to know I mean business. It's funny that the rest of the classes, even the ones with kids in basic skills classes and the special ed kids, all seem to understand my limits and when to listen. I guess a few kids just haven't learned that lesson. Oh, they will. They will. Grrrrrr. Blades of blood!
Sunday, September 05, 2004

Enter the world of fantasy. Lately my free time (when not shopping or working on teacher crap) has involved nothing but fantasy. Book of choice: Star Wars: New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way. Game of choice: old school Secret of Mana (with Tricia) though I did just buy Dark Cloud and Champions of Norrath (more fantasy). Movies of choice: Inuyasha 1 & 2. ::sigh:: I'm so hopeless. (P.S. I saw this castle as part of a generic teacher poster display in one of the teacher's rooms and was like, HEY! I've BEEN THERE!)
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
I'm the teacher. It's so not fair that I have homework to do :P I'm busy prepping for tomorrow's classes. I have some of the day planned, and the room all set up, but I'm not sure what I'm doing for the last 20 minutes of class. Nor am I sure what to do with my 7th&8th grade combined reading class. I could do the same thing, but there are some 8th graders in both classes, so they won't be wanting to do the same thing. And so, tonight I will be brainstorming and coming up with a plan. And by tonight I mean, sometime between now and 11pm when I REALLY want to go to bed.
Because I want to sleep by then, I must make this a short blog entry. Wish me luck on my first day--I'm so going to need it.
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Friday, August 27, 2004
Since I began employment at the middle school, I've been running my ass around town and all over the schools. I'm trying desperately to understand what I'm supposed to teach, how I'm supposed to teach it, and who exactly I will be teaching. As I'm only there for a quarter, some of the pressure is relieved, but I'm still finding it hard to keep up.
I've managed to put together my classroom when it comes to the basics, but I still have major decoration issues. That's the fun part. The hard part will be getting to the planning for the first week. But right now, for reasons of further stupidity, I have more urgent issues.
Urgent issue #1:
The St. Paul post office has been fucking around with my mail, or at least it was until I put my name on the mailbox. This would not be such a problem except that 2 very important items have somehow become LOST. Item 1: my social security card. Item 2: the checks I ordered. This has conequences. Do I wait and see if my SS card shows up back at my parents' house like the Post Office SAID IT WOULD? or Do I order a new SS card so that I can get that form of ID as soon as possible? As for the checks...that brings up another issue.
Urgent issue #2:
Whether it is the Post Office's fault (which I suspect it is) or the check company's fault, I have no clue. I called the check company and they redelivered my checks. I just got them today, and I'm quite happy with that EXCEPT for one thing. Yesterday, I received in the mail one booklet of checks from the checks I had ordered that were lost. Where were they? In Stevens Point, WI. WTF?!! So now I have no idea where the rest of the checks went, and if they are possibly in the hands of some fraudulent person. That means, I have to call the bank and void out all the checks. That's step 1.
Step 2 is that I have to call the check company again and reorder checks with a different number. There's simply too big a risk if I were to ignore the fact that 180 blank checks are roaming around the country with my name on them. They better let me have them for free, or there will be hell to pay.
Urgent issue #3:
Okay, this one is all my fault. With having a new bank and only using that check card, I haven't been paying much attention to my old bank account. Unfortunately, I had been using checks from that account for rent and loan payments. I could have SWORN that I had enough money in that account, but apparently I did not. So, on top of everything else, I have overdrawn from a bank that will charge me plenty for it too. The sad thing is, I HAD the money, just that it was in my savings, not in checking. Dammit, I suck.
In summary, I just seem to have issues lately. The next few blog entries may not be too pretty. Perhaps I'll try putting up more pictures--they may keep me from further blogs of venting.
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
A job that is. The peeps from yesterday finally called me back...at 8:30am today. As happy as I was to hear from them, couldn't they have called yesterday or perhaps later today when I wasn't contentedly sleeping? I know; I'm lazy. But the call meant I had to leave Chris's early, get back here to shower and change, call UWEC about a transcript, and then haul my ass over to HR across town.
In reality, outside my lazy morning mind, that's not too much work or trouble. The real work will come in today and tomorrow, meeting with teachers and other staff trying to figure out what exactly I'm supposed to teach and how I'm supposed to teach it. AND I have to throw a room together with all that teachery stuff, you know, like inspirational posters saying "I love reading--even boring shit" and "Speaking standard English is da bomb." I can't say I own any of that crap, but I suppose I'm going to have to if I'm going to have my own classroom (though I may be able to borrow the absent teacher's stuff). Ugh. A lot of stuff to do, all before class starts next Tuesday. Yes, I mean BEFORE Labor Day cuz this middle school doesn't understand the word "vacation." ::sigh:: Whatever.
Here's to having a new job...even if it IS only for 4-8 weeks...unless she decides to be a stay-at-home mom...
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
God I love the new DNA albulm. I rocked out to it on the way to my "interview" today for one of the nearby suburban districts.
I say "interview" because it was like no other interview I have yet encountered. They seemed to have no questions really in mind or set interview structure. There were three of them, and they each asked a question, mostly about my experience with teaching kids that are a bit unruly. Thankfully, my experience as a summer teacher and over in London took care of that answer.
From the informal interview, I was given a short tour of the classroom I'd be working in, the facilities there, and some explanation as to what I would be teaching and who I would be teaching. That was all well and good, but I didn't even know if I'd be getting the job. That's the frustrating part.
They said that I would know TODAY. I gave them my cell phone number after they asked where they could reach me this afternoon since they would be calling me. Well, it's a bit past the afternoon I'd say, and no call. ::sigh:: Even Kelly Services, who set up the interview for me, gave me a call after the interview and said it looked good, that they would very likely offer me the job. So you'd think after all they've given me all these bloody hints, they'd stick this fucking job down my fucking throat (tell me you got that allusion, Jenny).
Anyway, even if I do get the job, it'll only last somewhere between 4-8 weeks while the regular teacher is away on maternity leave. I honestly can't say I'd be very bothered if I just ended up subbing for a while instead. Granted, a regular paycheck even for just a month or so would be very helpful indeed, but then a sub doesn't have as much responsibility. Bleah, whatever. Oh yeah, by the way, the other district I was waiting for FOREVER finally told me when I called them that they had chosen other candidates, which I can understand cuz I know I was not the best qualified for the kind of teachers they wanted.
The ball is in the air, so now I just have to wait until I either hit it, miss it, or it whacks me in the face.
Monday, August 23, 2004
Sunday, August 22, 2004
WELCOME! Yes, welcome to the first installment of "Tales of Incredible Idiocy!" Starring yours truly, Katie, the smartest woman in the world!!--her only problem is getting some of those smarts to leak out between her continual acts of utter stupidity!
Case in point: tonight. I had a great time at the Down and Above CD release party rocking out, pushing annoying moshers around, and buying their new CD and a sweet band T-shirt. Came home, ready to relax and go to bed. Up to that point everything was pretty good and pretty smart.
Later this evening...I decide it's a good idea to pick up the book I started at 2am this morning couldn't put down til 4am (112 pages later) once more, just to read a few more chapters. Right, like that was going to happen. So I finished the book 15 minutes ago. Not exactly smart since it means not getting a full night's sleep without sleeping into the afternoon when I want to get things done. Think that's dumb? Oh just you wait.
Of course last night I had issues trying to sleep having read in bed and then having hundreds of thoughts flowing through my head. I didn't sleep until almost 6am. Not cool. Think I would remember not to do it again tonight? Oh no. I knew I wouldn't fall asleep right away tonight, but I turned to my alarm clock to set it for tomorrow, turn off my lamp, and try to sleep anyway. Who knows, I MAY have been successful if it weren't for the SHOCK I felt when I touched my alarm clock to find that I HAD MELTED IT!!! I MELTED MY ALARM CLOCK!!!!
My lamp is one of those desk lamps that has a conical metal shade. I'm sure the bulb I have in there is the maximum wattage you can have, perhaps more. But I never had a problem with it. But then I never before leaned my lamp two inches away from the top of my alarm clock for 4 hours either. Fucking stupid, eh? Oh, but you think it ends there?
Considering that I had read for a good two hours yesterday, with the lamp in roughly the same position, I bet you anything that the clock was already starting to melt last night and I didn't notice it. How could I NOT NOTICE A SICKLY WARPED ALARM CLOCK?!! The poor thing...the clock still works, and I could probably turn on the alarm. But the buttons for setting the time are melted into plastic puddles forever connected to the framework of the alarm clock--never to be pressed again. Dumbass.
Frustrated, I get up out of bed and retreat to the sanctuary of my laptop and this blog. Venting seems reasonable enough, doesn't it? Not TOO dumb. Oh sure...but five minutes into blogging, I start remembering that it is STORMING OUTSIDE! I've only been listening to the thunder rumble and watching the lightning patterns for a good half hour or more. But do I think to unplug my laptop and use it's battery power so I don't accidently blow it up? Oh no, of course not. God I suck.
It's unplugged now, which also means my battery will be nearly dead by morning. But I'm telling you, this is good stupid shit that just had to be shared. Want to hear any more stupidity? Just give me a topic and I'm sure I can come up with an equally idiotic anecdote. Like for instance not relabeling the mailbox here at the apartment so that now I have not been receiving any mail here like for example a very important document my dad sent me three days ago. Sure, it's not my fault the post office is a big fat piece of shit for not asking or giving a notice or warning or JESUS WOW... that is a hell of a thunder bolt. Fucking wow. I feel like a four year old...I'm all ready to start cowering...dang third floor attic apartment with every window open, head just feet from the roof and the rain and the storm.
Hm, I guess the bonus of this blog entry is the idiotic babbling on top of the storytelling. Stellar. Well, enjoy your day. I hope it's much smarter than mine so far.
Thursday, August 19, 2004
Yesterday Tricia and I began a quest. A quest that shall not meet its end until all manner of beasts are slain, all treasure is hoarded, and all boxes and pots are broken.
When not playing Baldur's Gate 2, like today, I've actually been QUITE productive. Since rolling out of bed this morning at 10:30am (after receiving a call from the district I had the interview with last Monday telling me that they are STILL in the selection process which means I have to be patient), I temporarily became a "stereotypical housewife." Yes, I cleaned and organized the heck out of the apartment.
Laundry washed and dried. Dishes cleaned and put away. Sink and countertops washed. All carpeting vacuumed. Tupperware containers organized. Bedroom furniture reorganized. And mail brought in.
On top of the housework, I finally installed MS Office 2000 on my laptop so I no longer have to deal with WordPerfect and all of its infinite shittiness. That meant reworking my resume and generic cover letter, which need a bit of revamping anyway.
I declare today a VICTORY for productivity. Laziness? Defeated!
(P.S. Did they take "Defeat You" off the web? Cuz I can no longer find it. Anyone have a copy?)
Monday, August 16, 2004
Like Tricia said, this weekend was ultra busy, filled with appointments, friends, parties, and plenty of pictures of me soaking wet. How did I get wet? I'll tell you.
My grad party. Awesome time, great group of friends and family there. My dad's cousin Kevin who is a priest in Chicago came up to visit for the weekend. My friend Liz from high school drove over three hours just to come to my party for a few hours and drive right back home--I hadn't seen her for a year so it was friggen sweet of her to come visit. Some other nice friends and family arrived, as did my brothers, their wives, and little Matthew. Couldn't really ask for a better turn out, except if maybe I had planned a bit more ahead some more friends could come.
Anyway, back to the wetness. A couple hours into the party, I walked up to some of my friends and they told me that I really should put my swimsuit on NOW. Apparently they overheard my dad, brother, and cousin plotting to throw the grad into the pool. Well, I figured it would be just like one of the many many other threats I have had over the years--just a way of convincing me to go in the pool. I didn't think much of it as I asked my friends if they would go swimming with me. I had just arranged getting a swimsuit for Tricia who had forgotten hers, and was thinking of heading in the house to get one for her and for myself....when I was suddenly surrounded.
My brother Scott grabbed me and picked me up over his shoulder. My dad go the pool door open and helped grab my legs to make sure I didn't struggle too much. Meanwhile, my friends fought valiantly to set me free from this form of family bonding. But their combined strength just wasn't enough to stop the inevitable. Besides, I think they secretly may have enjoyed the idea of seeing their friend thrown in her own pool.
Just before the "1, 2, 3" I managed a few requests: took off my watch, necklace and my nice outer button down shirt and then WHOOM! SPLOOSH! Into the water. Thankfully, the pool's solar heater made the temperature of the water barely tolerable. It was only after my upper body resurfaced that I realized maybe just wearing the white tanktop...braless...wasn't the best choice. I'm pretty sure I manged to cross my arms over my chest before the tell tale clicking of cameras occurred. Guess I'll find out soon enough.
Despite the fact I had to change, and to rewash my freshly cleaned khakis, and vainly attempt to salvage my drowned-rat hair, I actually didn't mind being throw in too badly. I changed into my bikini, grabbed my friends, and we all relaxed in the pool for a while anyway. And it will give me something to remember. PLUS, a great excuse to get back at my dad and brother someday. MWA HA HA HA HA!
Thursday, August 12, 2004
Lyrics from such a great Green Day song, and so very true for me right now. Seeing as how I didn't get a call about my interview on Monday yet today, I should be hearing from them tomorrow. They said they'd call no matter whether it was "yes" or "no." Nice that a district actually goes through the trouble of doing that. It was a rather unpleasant surprise to discover just how many districts don't bother calling at all. The least they could do is email (which is FREE and they could do a MASS MAILING) but no, that would take too much effort when they're busy prepping their new pride and joy teacher. No bitterness there.
Like Jenny says, enough griping about job issues. With no concrete plans for full time employment on the horizon, I've scheduled a plethora of orientation appointments at surrounding school districts for substitute teaching. Can't say I'm thrilled at the prospect of undependable work hours and classrooms full of apathetic students (you know how it was to be a student with a sub teaching). However, I need the experience to boost my resume, and it's something that I can sign up for instead of going through more grilling interviews.
And like any good unemployed college graduate, I'm here in my wonderful new and virtually completely set up room, trying in vain to prevent myself from snacking on everything in sight, and still managing to find a few moments between addictions to Mah Jong to do some much needed dusting of my window and other furniture. Things aren't so bad. AND my grad party will include a very fine assortment of friends who I am VERY excited to see. Now if only the weather would cooperate so that the pool won't give us cases of hypothermia.
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
She's arrived! After a week or so of slowly packing a few boxes, delivering a few boxes, day by day, I finally got off my ass and with the help of fan-skippin-tastic friends MOVED IN to my new place with Tricia.
And no, against what some would believe (hope) this doesn't mean I'm forsaking Chris and playing for the other team. It means I'm FINALLY living in a place I will likely be living in for more than just a few months. I can FINALLY settle in. And I can FINALLY hang up some pictures. And best of all, it means I get to live with one of my best friends. :)
Bleah...it also means I have to actually get up from behind the computer and start arranging my room. Right now it's hard to tell if I'm moving out or in; everything's still in boxes, crates, baskets, you name it and it's inaccessible. I suppose it's good then that I buried my bed, since I will then have to put away a few items before I crash tonight. At least my computer's all set to go--having a laptop is great that way. Well, time to start the project that likely won't end until the weekend...and even that is questionable.
Saturday, August 07, 2004
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
The weekend at home was all it should have been. The only thing missing was a visit with Mary, and a bit more time with my brother Chris. Otherwise, it was a full three days of friends, family, and a friggen load of fattening foods.
Now that I'm back, it's time for hauling my shite from here to Tricia's joint, and I can tell you that it's going to take a while. Don't get me wrong, I'm very much looking forward to the the move and finally feeling completely settled into The Cities.
But there are a few things I'm going to miss:
1) A queen size bed to sprawl out in (much to the dismay of my bedfellow) and to share (much to the mutual satisfaction of both parties).
2) Having a bedroom AND a room for work, wardrobe and miscellaneous objects.
3) The myriad hooks that the former resident of my room decided to strew about the walls of the room. Honestly, how many hooks does a person need?
4) A bookshelf FULL of DVD's and VHS tapes sporting such classics as The Blob, Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead, and gagillion more movies ranging from the obsurdly obscure to the best movies of all time.
But like all things, there's also a backside...other side...of the story.
There are things I will NOT miss:
1) Mice. Enough said.
2) Seeing a roommate's ass 3 more times than I ever wanted to.
3) Using a kitchen from the 1940's that has NEVER been updated. No countertops, barely any "cupboard" space (if you can call a few shelves "cupboards"), and any food below the 5 feet mark can be fair game for the mice. Did I mention I won't miss the mice?
Naturally, there are pluses and minuses to every living space and every roommate arrangement. It will be awesome finally being able to live with one of my best friends, and it will be sad moving 12 minutes away from my boyfriend (made more difficult by his lack of a transportation device). But put into perspective, I should just be damn happy that I'M HERE in the Twin Cities, where I've wanted to be for years with people I care very much about. I miss my family and my friends randomly located througout WI, but this is the place I need to be for now.
Time to take things one lease at a time ;)
Thursday, July 29, 2004
My days as a summer school teacher have ended. As they should. The kids were predictable today, feigning the ambition to work for about 10 minute before falling into the familiar pattern of talking and glancing at a computer screen now and then. Out of the bunch, one student alone was finished with her paper. The others said they wanted more time to work on it, and I said they could, with 10 points off for being two days late.
Naturally, the extra time made virtually no difference at all. They just gave up and were done. Fine with me really; I had wanted the last day to be one of fun with games, movie, and some final reflections. Sadly, it wasn't too much of a blast with me having to get grades in that same day, taking each paper as it came to me, grading it, adding it into their cummulative score, and giving final grades. Class went by very quickly, and before I knew it, we were in the last ten minutes.
I handed out surveys asking the students questions regarding their feelings about the class, how it went, did they enjoy the class material, would they make any changes, etc. All VERY similar to surveys I had to fill out for nearly every professor I had at UWEC, except there were no tiny circles to fill in with No. 2 pencils. Their comments seemed honest enough, if a bit breif, but I enjoyed reading them anyway.
And then they were gone. I turned on some Pink and took down my decorations and packed up my supplies. That was it. A chapter of my life is finished. And now the chapter of unemployment begins. :P God I hope I don't have to just substitute this school year.
Oh yeah, gone home for the weekend, so I'll check ya on the flipside.
Monday, July 26, 2004
So I look at my tracker that I've had for a good year and a half now, and what do I see? No traffic since last week. Awfully suspicious, eh? Yeah, especially since it counts whenever I check my own site, so even if no one ever visited my site cuz they think I'm a loser, I'd still get hits. Like anyone would who likes seeing that there may be a few people who are actually interested in their life and writing, I decided to remedy the situation.
First, I tried to figure out what was different about my old tracker. I couldn't find any problems with it. When I tried getting in to my account with the tracker, I found that not only did I not remember what password I used, but that every single password I could possibly think of or have ever used in the history of my online usage just didn't work. What next?
I searched the web to find a new tracker, grabbed the first one that looked decent, and stuck it on my website. It seemed straight forward and detailed enough, and I gave it some time to work. I clicked on it and logged in and...sure enough, no one visited. Hm...great.
Now I have two worthless trackers on my website, and am no closer to figuring out how to go about changing that, other than eliminating them both and putting a new one on there. But part of me doesn't want to let go of my long log of visitors (long in a relative sense of course). Any ideas of how to fix things? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
Thursday, July 22, 2004
1. No job.
2. Ambigious answer to the apartment. First we have to check it out, and then we find out whether or not it's too expensive.
3. One student is finished, the rest actually did SOME work or at least failed to bother me today, and I read only a little before class and more afterwards--I'm convinced that maybe it's not such a great book.
4. Weather is fabulous. Whether or not I choose to run...yet to be decided.
5. Not that long, though I'm getting VERY sick of these every-night-wake-up-to-use-the-facilities routine.
And the books...I just remembered to order them. At least they're a lot cheaper online, so that when I'm out of a job and destitute this school year, I'll at least have my books to solace me.
Tomorrow I find out a number of things:
1. Do I have a job, not have a job, or do I have to go for a follow-up interview?
2. Do Tricia and I have a chance at the 1st floor apartment, or is it too expensive, or does the landlord have someone else in mind for the place, or is he not home to answer Tricia's call at all?
3. How many of my students are going to have their papers finished, how many students are going to talk and sit on their asses instead of working on their papers, and how many pages of Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging will I read out of complete boredom during class tomorrow?
4. Will the weather finally cool down so that I may go for the run I so badly need or will I again be trapped in this sweltering house where sitting is enough exercise to neccesitate a shower?
5. How long will it take me to fall asleep after a 3 hour nap this afternoon, laying in a warm room with an industrial strength fan blowing at me, while worrying about whether my career finally has a bright point?
Anything can happen, my friends. Anything. But one thing is for sure:
If I get the job tomorrow, I am going to celebrate by ordering the Dark Elf new hardcover trilogy from Amazon tomorrow. If I don't get the job tomorrow, I am going to console myself by ordering the Dark Elf new hardcover trilogy from Amazon tomorrow. It was a tough decision, but I think I'll be alright.
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Living without air conditioning isn't a big deal, no problem at all really. That is, until you try to sleep in a room of muggy, stifling air. Even with two fans going, the only thing I can sleep in is a sheen of sweat. Not a pretty picture I would imagine.
In honor of the heat, I am again posting a picture that best describes just how hot it feels in my room right now:

Seeing me in jeans and a sweatshirt in front of that huge fire...almost enough to make me pass out right now.
Sunday, July 18, 2004
Check it--the blog is all put together, thanks to a small observation made by Tricia in my html. Yay for friends who are also fellow geeks :)
On a different note, I've been meaning to blog about an occurence from my running escapades. I think this event is best expressed in the form of a Paint drawing:

I'm the spunky-haired blonde looking puzzled at the group of runners coming up. Notice anything strange about the group of runners passing by? I laughed my ass off.
Saturday, July 17, 2004
I can't seem to get my comments up and working again, though I've followed the YACCS directions to a "t." Any help here?
Hm....figured it out. This blog template has comments built into it. Not bad, but I'm not sure that's what I want, plus I'd really like to be able see my old comments, especially in the archives. AND I think YACCS does a better job with them. Jenny, I'm guessing you had issues with it with your blog as well. Any assistance you could give?
In Case You Failed to Notice

I decided it was TIME FOR A CHANGE! I've had the same blog template for too long now, and the monohue pattern just had to go. Hope you don't mind the unexpected change, but for me it's VERY refreshing. It's still blue and greenish, but I think I'll have more options to change this one around, once I get the template figured out.
Sadly, the template I had will no longer be available, I think, even if I want to go back to it. The old one was cool, since no one really had one like it anymore, and I know this template is generic, but whatever. It's the content that matters anyway, right?
PLUS!!! As you can see, the new template and new picture uploading system by blogger let's me FINALLY POST PICTURES!!!!! So just imagine the fun I'll be having in my posting from now on ;) That's all for now. Time to tweek the template for a while!
Friday, July 16, 2004
Today I was suppose to receive a call from a school district telling me whether or not I successfully made it through the telephone screening interview yesterday and would be scheduling a real life interview. After the GRUELING @#$%&*@! telephone interview yesterday, the principal told me she would call either later that day or the next day. I waiting long hours with the phone right by my side from last night into this afternoon. Did I receive any call at all? NO! How fucking rude is that?
However, this afternoon, I did receive a call from a DIFFERENT school district that is actually a bit closer to where I'll be living. The principal had recently been handed my application and wondered if I was still interested in a part time English teaching position. I said, "YES!!!!!!" with slightly more restraint than jumping up and down and pretending to hug him over the phone.
He asked if it would be alright to schedule a time for me to come to the high school and talk more about the position (aka have an interview), to which I replied "That would be great!!!!" again holding back as much as a person would who hasn't heard any other really positive feedback since she started applying for jobs in April.
Long story slightly shorter, I have an interview with a northern suburban high school principal next Tuesday, and the other school district can blow it out their asses (if I get a job somewhere else that is). YAY For hearing something positive, whether it be part time or not, I'm still happy! Not exactly a job offer yet, but even getting to the interview stage (one that doesn't feel like a NAZI interrogation over the phone) is far better than I was just two days ago.
I just hope that a couple other people I know start getting some good positive feedback too!!! I'll be hoping for you! AND a bit more for me too, cuz there's still the issue of actually being hired. Bleah, details.
Monday, July 12, 2004
Sometimes you just can't WAIT for them to fail
Okay, I know I'm a teacher and I'm supposed to be the supportive, go-get-em tiger, that's-okay-you'll-do-better-next-time coach for my students. A good teacher means not giving up on a student and trying to make sure they do their best. But you know what? Sometimes you just gotta say "Blow it out your ass."
Let me expound. There is a certain student in my class who started out doing fairly average work and had a pleasant/neutral attitude. Then he left for a few days because he decided he didn't want to go to class. Finally, he was talked into returning and has resumed a presence in my classroom. Good, right?
Um...no. As I painstakingly explained all of the assignments he missed and gave clear and detailed instructions for the major project the other students are already pursuing, he just sat there. He was barely responsively, except to say something on the order of, "Yeah, okay. Whatever." That attitude has remained with him since that time. I wouldn't care, except that well, it looks really bad to have one student just sitting with his thumb up his ass while the other ones, even the slowly motivated ones, are finishing their research, doing make up work, and beginning to write their papers. THAT wouldn't even bother me if it weren't for the fact that he is so DANG OBSTINANT.
Other students at least TRY to pretend like their doing some work when I ask them to, or they give me some ideas of what they will be working on next, but this one? He just sits there and tells me "It's just summer school. It's not important anyway." Thanks buddy, so me spending hours and hours planning and going over shit to get this summer school unit planned was pointless, hm? Yeah, THAT sort of attitude is going to get you in my good graces.
::sigh:: Sorry about that, but a kid like that, well, just makes me WANT to fail him. In fact, I can't WAIT until he gives me half-assed work and I can write that big fat "NC" on his grade report with a big sadistic smile on my face.
Oh come on, you know I'm going to grade everyone fairly, and they'll each have their chance to pass if they get enough work accomplished. And hey, some good news. The counselor that also works with the students talked aside to me for a moment this morning and told me: THE KIDS LOVE ME. In fact, they'd love it if I worked at the ALC full time during the school year (unfortunately, simply not possible--there are no positions currently available). But still...What a nice thing to say! and a sure way to warm up this cynical heart :) AND, my bosses say I'm doing a great job too, as they knew I would from the interview.
Now, let's see if I can keep this "good teacher" rep going until the end of the summer before dropping "F" bombs on them...
Sunday, July 04, 2004
Happy Fourth to all, and to all a good fireworks display!!
Just spent a day at the beach with some homies, next we're off to a barbeque and then it's on to watching fireworks somewhere. We still haven't decided whether to go to the huge ass celebration called Taste of Minnesota--I went there last year with Tricia and Karin and it was...eh, pretty good for a festival--or we might see a smaller subsidiary of the city display somewhere by St. Anthony.
Hope that wherever you go and whatever you do, it's a total blast. Even you folks in foreign places--no reason why you can't have a sweet Sunday evening in July :)
Saturday, July 03, 2004
Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
Song from one of the funniest moments of Spiderman 2 (I suggest you get your ass to the theater if you haven't seen it yet). And, coincidently, it was pouring just a few minutes ago and I was out in the supremely wet weather. I'll tell you why, but you have to promise to brace yourself...and not laugh. I was RUNNING. Today I ran through a monsoon with Chris, but the first day I braved it alone.
Yep, two days ago I got fed up with always talking about going out and getting some exercise, and after Lee left to go running, I decided I would too. I couldn't just keep waiting around for there to be a good moment to grab a friend and go. I could do it just fine by me onesie.
First, I made sure I had on all the right gear: navy and tan Nike running shoes, cotton navy Aruba shorts with their motto "One Happy Island," gray sport bra covered by navy cotton tank top, and last but not least, a navy headband. Honestly, it truly was not my intention to match that pathetically well. Just so happened to be the most comfortable and sporty combination I could come up with. (At least it wasn't a nylon jumpsuit or something).
Next, I decided I would forgo the routine (and smart) concept of stretching or warming up and just took a few steps from the house and started running. Went around the block...and walked. So, I walked to the bridge and ran across it...and walked. Walked around a block, got back to the bridge and ran across it...and walked around the block to the house.
At that point, I realized that not only was I incredibly out of cardiovascular/aerobic shape, but that I had also only been out for fifteen minutes. Not enough. So I walked around the block, got the bridge, walked across it, then turned around and ran across it, and walked another block, and back to the house. I felt like I was pacing. Seriously, at no point was I further than about three small blocks from the house.
But hey, it's a start, right? I can't expect to be running circles around my athletic-assed friends after years of avoiding running unless chased, competing for shotgun, or getting out of the rain. Today was actually pretty cool, we were both soaked but it prevented us from getting hot and sweaty which is always a plus.
We'll see how long this spurt of energy lasts--I'm guessing maybe til the end of the long weekend, but I'll try. Okay okay, I hear you: I'll DO.
Monday, June 28, 2004
I'm Getting Better
A full week later, I'm still thankful when the school day ends, but things are better than they were. I had a rocky first couple days, but Thursday went well, as did today, and that gives me some hope. True, I had the students create collages Thurs and compete in an internet scavenger hunt today, but I figure, why the hell not make English class a bit enjoyable?
It's not that the lessons haven't been educational; they're just a bit alternative, which is the idea to begin with. Tomorrow they're bringing in their favorite song lyrics and perhaps a CD with their song to play in class. I briefly reviewed some poetic mumbojumbo like similies and alliteration, and asked them to pick out those usages in the song, taking it apart like they might take apart a poem. I figure we'll look at structure first, and then get into their meanings. Looking at songs seemed a good first step into a mini unit on poetry. Anything to get their attention and thinking that not all writing is boring ass shit.
I've got some sweet modern poetry to show them too, AND Chris might be coming in as a "guest speaker" to share some of his own poetry, answer questions, and perhaps tell them a bit about how he started writing. Of course they'll be writing some of their own poetry as well, which should be pretty fun, if I do it right. I have some ideas, just have to pick a couple and go with it.
Outside of teaching, which for the 12 hours a week fairly pathetically eats up my free time in trying to put together materials and plan lessons for each day, there's not a whole lot new around here. Thankfully it will get easier as the unit gets into the main phase of their writing. Easier to plan, but perhaps not easier to teach. I think I'm going to forget about getting a part time job for the next couple months and concententrate on not fucking up this job and finding a full time teaching job for the fall. It's so depressing to not get any call backs or emails. I'm going to call some places tomorrow and wake them up a bit. Not EVERY district can be that far behind that they aren't doing interviews yet. ::sigh:: Oh well. As my dad says, I'll always have a place at the Holiday Inn...or a factory. Comforting, hm?
Monday, June 21, 2004
In the car, I just can't wait, to be finished with my very first DAY
First day of summer school teaching....check
Beginning class of only 8/16 students...check
First minor setback during teaching...check
It could have been much much worse. Oh yes, much worse. As it was, I think I did pretty well, and came off fairly professional. Unfortunately, professionalism isn't exactly what's needed there. The kids aren't horrible, though they are brutally honest with themselves, their family, friends, and with me of course. I think they'll warm up to me as they go, but it may be a bit of a barrier that I grew up as, well, a good girl. And these are all students undergoing a program because they were alcoholics and flunked classes.
They're all smokers, since they cannot drink. Good idea, hm? They asked me if I smoke, drink, did drugs, etc. and I decided to be honest and say I did smoke 1 cigarette once...in a pub in Berlin after two big mugs of beer. However, I didn't like it, wouldn't do it again, and really can't stand the smell. As for drinking, I only have a couple drinks now and then (unless it's a special occassion--which I did not tell them).
Furthermore, since they're kids that were involved in all that junk, they hung out with a different sort of crowd SO they're not exactly fans of the same sort of things. I love reading, writing, never minded school, and got along with students and teachers. Instead of going out to parties, I'd hang out with friends and play games, watch fun movies, and basically, be a kid, all into fantasy and using my imagination. These are kids trying to grow up way too fast. Still, I did put up an Inuyasha poster I found at Suncoast and I plan on bringing my SW poster from home--I don't care if they think I'm a geek--I am one, and it's not like I'm going to bother hiding it.
Still, I think I can handle teaching this class. It's not like I had tons in common with the students at Altoona, nor the students in London, particularly. Besides, getting to know them today helped me make some decisions about the unit I will have them do this summer. I have many MANY options, but it looks like I'm going to have to design it to be as unconventional as possible, keep them on their toes, and keep them moving and learning. Some of them have the attention spans of a 3 year old...with a nicotine addiction.
So wish me luck, friends. I'm going to need it. That and a continuous supply of wine coolers, massages, time out with people born before 1986, and ice cream, lots of ice cream.
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Bahp bah, bahp bah! This is the sound of settling
I'm almost moved in here at the house, things arranged pretty much how I want them. Granted, there's no bed in here, so it makes it a lot roomier and easier to decorate. It just looks a little empty, but I think I can solve that by bringing my TV, stereo, PS2, and a couple lamps the next time I drive home (in just over a week).
Anyway, I had a sort of "orientation" for my teaching position, and it doesn't seem too bad. I'll be teaching 16 students for 2.5 hours M-Th (and have an extra half hour just supervising the kids while they do some independent activities). Put it all together and it means I"ll have $1620 when I finish in July. ::sigh:: Not exactly what I was making over at AF, but then, only working 12h/week means I can pick up a part time job no problem...as long as I can figure just what sort of part time job I either want or am capable of doing.
Any good ideas? I'm sick of the Holiday Inn--6 years was enough--and I'd rather not waitress, nor would I really like to do customer service or telemarketing. Working at a bookstore would rock, I think, or maybe at a coffee shop. I suppose there's jobs at the mall too, and the hours there might work. Bleah...I just don't want to work minimum wage. Come to think of it, I never have. Not that I ever made a boatload of dough, just that it was either waitressing with tips, camp couselor with a decent wage, or factory work that paid great. Problem is I can't get an office type job cuz I'm busy in the mornings, so it's gotta be something in retail or restaurant pretty much, and I have no retail experience.
Sorry, just babbling on here today. I guess tonight a big group of us are all going to play volleyball--I just hope the weather holds out. And, that I don't completely suck, as I often tend to do when it comes to anything athletic aside from swimming. I'd prefer not reliving my oh so nice nickname of "Whiffer" tonight.
Monday, June 14, 2004
The Katie van is coming, and everybody's jumping, Green Bay to Minneapolis...
Listening to a bit of "get up off your ass" music as I finish packing up most of my belongings. HA, right, MOST? Probably only a fourth of what I have is going with me. The rest is staying here for another trip, or to just sit in storage until I have a house, or someone else claims my stuff.
There's so much I COULD pack, but I'm trying VERY hard to resist the temptation of filling the van to the brim. For instance, I could bring a bookshelf, and fill it with a zillion books I own. Or I could bring about 6 different lamps that are sitting around down here (I think maybe I'll just bring 4...or 3...) At least this time I don't have to lug my huge ass computer with it's desk. Oh, but I do need to grab the printer...dang, forgot about that.
Anyway, it's been was a late night, an early morning, and now there's a long day ahead of me. Thankfully, I saw pretty much everyone I wanted to see before I left town, and I had an absolute blast this week with friends and family every night. I even had a couple drinks with Joe last night, renewing and untying our "tied up" friendship. It was awkward at first, but eventually we started babbling on like old times. Probably just as well I'll be out of town though, that way he doesn't fall into any old ruts.
Oh, and I found out what position I have for this summer teaching job that I'm moving for...finally. Sadly, I'll only be getting maybe 10-12 hours a week, not exactly enough to thrive on even at $20.25/h. Still, it's an excellent opportunity and a HUGE resume booster for the fall. I'll just have to pick up a part time job for sure now, which I suppose isn't too bad either. Oh, and it also means I get to sleep in a little too ;) since class doesn't start til 9am. Sweet.
Well, time to get this party started. And I like to party, I like, I like to party...
Saturday, June 12, 2004
The Ultimate Send-Off
Last night, I drank about five cups of coffee. One could say I'm addicted to caffeine OR one could say that I wasn't about to pass up on refills of Mocha Mint. Yes, my friends, after longs years of waiting, of arriving at my favored cafe and never seeing those sweet flavored words, I have finally once again tasted MOCHA MINT coffee at Caffe Espresso. And it was good.
Also very good were the tortellini with marinara and the House cheesecake that I consumed with relish that night. Joining me in my joy was Shelly, who I will miss dearly as an excellent coffee, restaurant, and bookstore companion. It was the ultimate way for Caffe Espresso and I to part ways, with no hard feelings, I assure you. I even saw a couple old high school folks whose names I cannot remember and faces I really didn't care if I saw or not, but still, it was sort of almost nice. Amazing that in all my time here in GB and the many times I went to Espresso that I didn't run into anyone I knew better. Eh, oh well.
Tonight I went to Tequilas for some authentic Mexican music, dancing, and alcoholic beverages. And it was good. My three favorite coworkers, friends you could say, met me at the bar, and we had a fun night of talking, joking, and a little dancing too. What really rocked wasn't so much the music as it was that all my drinks were ON THE HOUSE. Sweet, hm? I thought so. The bartender was cool cuz it's a new bar and grill, so they want new customers that come back again, AND the represntative for the temporary workers at AF was there and her husband was DJing for the bar. Overall, not a bad deal at all.
Top off the night with some quality time with my dad and Frank & Pat's pizza, and I'd say I'm about ready to crash right now. I still blame it on the residual effects of all the caffeine last night. Or maybe it was the two beers, sex on the beach (I so have to try that sometime), and a shot of tequila. Either way, that bed is looking mighty fine right now, so off I go. !Buenas noches!
Thursday, June 10, 2004
GEEZ! What next?!
This week has been just full of surprises. First I find out I've got a new job, now I find out I've gotta move almost a week earlier than I thought. Turns out I'm off for MN on Monday, and before that I have a whole slew of appointments, packing, and fiesta-ing. I suddenly feel VERY overwhelmed and rather unprepared to move out.
Granted, this isn't like, my final "moving out" time thanks to not being able to fit everything into the van in one trip. AND, there's no way I'm packing absolutely everything, just the things I need and some things I want. Still, I have a feeling that van will be jam-packed before I get through with it.
I know I've been planning on moving out for a LONG time now, it's just that I never thought about it as an immediate sort of action, just something that will happen, eventually, in the future. But now, it's MONDAY, not some undetermined date. I think I'll be fine as far as getting things together, but there are a few things I thought I would do before I left that I don't think are going to happen:
*Sanding, painting, and fixing up the desk I bought at a rummage sale
*hanging out with Amy, Mary, and Shelly more
*patching things up with my long lost friend, Joe
*experiencing the somewhat dreaded, thought inevitable, maybe sort of nice, overall really no big deal of being in the same city as and running into old...friends
*having a fun-filled fiesta here at the house with coworkers and plenty of Corona and margaritas
*finally having my own grad party
*helping my mom and dad get rid of all their shit at a rummage sale
Getting to MN early is going to be a blast, I can assure you. However, there's something about "moving out" that has a finality to it. The next few days are the last of me really LIVING in this house that has been my home for 23 years (excluding 9 mo. out of the year). You could say it's just like I'm going to college...but it's not. This time, I'm not coming back, not for anything more than a visit. This is it.
Exiciting...scary...a huge hastle--all wrapped into one pivotal moment in my life. It's like I'm finally saying good-bye to my life as it was, and moving on; saying good-bye to my past and all it's ups and downs, being thankful for the good times and throwing a layer of dust over old memories. Sad that we say good-bye to so many things, so many people in our lives. Sometimes it's spoken, other times they just drift slowly away until they're just...gone. But you know, good-bye doesn't always mean forever. Sometimes time just needs to pass. And then, who knows?
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
The Time Has Come
Yes, ladies and gentlemen. The time has come at last...FOR ME TO MOVE OUT!!!! You heard it right, I'm moving on out of here in less than two weeks. Why? Well, it could be in part because I FOUND A JOB!!!!! Yeah, I'm pretty sure that has a lot to do with it.
This weekend I traveled to MN to first of all, see Jenni's ultra awesome little tyke, and second of all, to attend an interview I set up for Monday. The interview went great, a lot smoother than I expected, and later that day the interviewer said they want to offer me a position. KICK ASS!
What's the position, you ask? Oh come on, that's personal. As for the job, I will be a summer school English teacher from June 21-July 29. It's not a full time job, and doesn't mean I'll be set for a fall teaching job, but it's a hell of a start. AND, I'm finally using that handle little degree and license I have, which means finally getting paid like a professional too.
This means I have a hell of a lot to do before next weekend, including major organizing of my shit, and of course, having as much fun as possible with the few friends here in town as well. Oh, and in preparation for the move, I also FINALLY picked up a brand spankin new cell phone, whose number I will not divulge here, but I'll be sure to give you a call and let you know (those privaleged few, that is ;)
Yep, bounds of excitement here and plenty of busy-ness, so please excuse me if I haven't been really great about updating this blog lately. I'll do better--really I will! :) Aight, it's late, time for bed. Ugh, at least I can finally look forward to NO MORE FACTORY WORK!!!!!!!! Next week that is... ::sigh::
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Tomorrow, in a country far far away...
It was a dark time for the Katie. Forces of nature and a great opportunity have sent Jenny once again across the ocean, into foreign lands. But there is hope...
Okay, not exactly like a Star Wars main title intro, but the occassion is just as epic, if not more so since it's actually taking place in real life. My friend, my very good friend Jenny, is flying out to London tomorrow to begin the next six months of her temporary British status.
On one side, I'm totally fucking jealous, chica. I'd so love to be there too, kickin it and having a great time in the UK. I miss the city, the people, the pubs, the stores, the whole shitload of historical/architectural stuff...it's a sweet place. And I know we'd be totally awesome running around London, the UK, Europe doing everything we didn't get to last time, or that we want to do again.
On another side, I know it's good that you're out on your own making some sorta scary, but really exciting, interesting, and meaningful changes in your life. It's not quite time for me to get back to the UK yet, though I'll be sure to get there again as soon as I can. Probably not this summer, which blows donkey balls, but that's how it goes. And you've gotta bet a certain Mr. H is VERY happy to be seeing you. AND, you can be sure that we're gonna go travel again sometime, maybe to someplace new and exotic like...New York. Yep, sounds so thrilling after everything else, hm? ;) Oh, I know, it'd still rock.
And so, a post to say "Bon Voyage" to mi amiga. Be safe, have plenty, and I mean PLENTY of fun, listen to the CDS, and I'll be talking to you soon. Buena suerte!
Monday, May 31, 2004
We Didn't Start the Fire
Thanks to one Flarahety twin, I had that song in my head last night even as the rain was lulling me to sleep. That would be Ryan, one of Chris's friends, one of the fantastic five who drove up to Door Co. to go camping this fine Memorial Day weekend--the rest of us being Chris, Tricia, Rachael, and I. A sweet combo of peeps for a good time if I do say so myself.
We arrived at Tricia's parents' 20 acres of property sometime around 8pm Friday and the fun began. Thankfully, the five of us fit perfectly into the camper that was already set up. AND a fire was already started in the big fire pit by her family who was sitting around enjoying some beverages and tasty treats. It made for a nice relaxing beginning to the weekend, despite the fact that it was fricken freezing even in the camper and in a two person sleeping bag WITH an extra comforter on top. Brrrr.
The next day was actually pretty nice. Tricia's bro and gf came to join the party, as did Renae and Graham, adding to the particularly festive occasion. No rain until late evening, and the sun almost peeked out for a while in the afternoon--at least enough to give me an extra blush to my cheeks...and nose. Although, I'm not entirely sure some of that rosiness didn't come from a heat source a bit closer than the sun. You see, not only is a tradition for Tricia's family to have huge bonfire/campfires every time they go camping, but they are also in the process of clearing out trees and brush from their somewhat wild property. Put those factors together, and you get one huge ass, mo fo-gigantic fire. Seriously folks, this pile was 9 feet tall and about 15-20 feet in diameter (at least). Us kids created some auxillary piles of logs and branches nearby, carrying and dragging the wood from piles and areas from all over the place.
Despite it's huge potential, I wasn't too worried about the fire that would erupt from the pile. We had cleared out the brush around the pile, and the grass around it was very damp and trampled. So when her dad started pouring on the kerosene and starting the flames, we got right in there and helped the fire along. And then...we started backing away from the fire. Then we started HURRYING away from the fire, dragging chairs with us. Some were worried, others just watched the flames while drinking a beer. What did I do?
I was pulling back chairs while watching the fire with complete amazement and horror. Her mom was asking, should we call the fire department? Should we? She was all worried, and I don't blame her. I said she REALLY should call, and this is why. The flames were 25 feet in length, and I"m not talking straight up in the air--that wouldn't have worried me. No, the flames were going sideways, thanks to the gusts of wind, and the fire was roaring. They looked like they would reach the pile of brush that was put just a little too close to the pile. AND, the fire was spreading from the base outwards, consuming the damp grass. For about two minutes, I was afraid the property was going to be set ablaze like in those nature videos about wildfires, with little animals scurrying out of the smoke.
Actually, that part really happened. After we started the fire, but shortly before it completely erupted into a mountain of flame, a baby bunny ran out from the middle of the pile like it's tail was on fire (thankfully, it wasn't on fire). But it was scared shitless. Tricia tried picking it up, but then it fell out of her hands, and scurried away.
Very thankfully, the flaming grass put itself out after creating a big blackened radius around the pile. And the fire died down surprisingly fast after that one big burst, so that the panicking only lasted a minute or so. Good thing we didn't have to call the fire dept. or I guess it would have been a $1000 fine--yuck. Perhaps next time they won't be making such a big bonfire in such a big wind.
One sad addition to the bunny story. Later that evening, we were sitting around eating and drinking and having a good time, when another bunny ran right up to us, within just a few feet of where we were sitting. This time, it was an adult bunny, and it stopped and looked at us for a few moments, as if to say, "You mother fucking bastards! You killed my babies!" and then it ran off. I felt so bad :( It stopped by once again, and I tried to communicate to it that the baby ran that way...but for some reason, she just didn't understand. Hopefully they reunited, or maybe the baby's old enough to survive on it's own. ::sigh:: The causualties of fire.
On a lighter note, the rest of the weekend was free of anymore traumatized wildlife. We went hiking at Penninsula State Park--man my legs HURT!, played Dominoes and drank tea while it was pouring outside, and built our own campfire with damp wood and just one little match--Girl Scout skills at their best! It was a quality weekend in nature with some good friends, and Tricia's very nice family.
I'd say, not a bad bit of camping, especially since the last time I went was almost 5 years ago, right before I went off to college. And as I recall, that time wasn't exactly ideal with ultra super hot weather during the day and a bad thunderstorm at night. And what the fuck's with having my fucking period both times now? I'm telling you right now: I'm going camping again this summer and NEXT time there will be tenting and there will be shagging!