Thursday, August 12, 2004

"I've been waiting a long time for this moment to come, I'm destined for anything at all"

Lyrics from such a great Green Day song, and so very true for me right now. Seeing as how I didn't get a call about my interview on Monday yet today, I should be hearing from them tomorrow. They said they'd call no matter whether it was "yes" or "no." Nice that a district actually goes through the trouble of doing that. It was a rather unpleasant surprise to discover just how many districts don't bother calling at all. The least they could do is email (which is FREE and they could do a MASS MAILING) but no, that would take too much effort when they're busy prepping their new pride and joy teacher. No bitterness there.

Like Jenny says, enough griping about job issues. With no concrete plans for full time employment on the horizon, I've scheduled a plethora of orientation appointments at surrounding school districts for substitute teaching. Can't say I'm thrilled at the prospect of undependable work hours and classrooms full of apathetic students (you know how it was to be a student with a sub teaching). However, I need the experience to boost my resume, and it's something that I can sign up for instead of going through more grilling interviews.

And like any good unemployed college graduate, I'm here in my wonderful new and virtually completely set up room, trying in vain to prevent myself from snacking on everything in sight, and still managing to find a few moments between addictions to Mah Jong to do some much needed dusting of my window and other furniture. Things aren't so bad. AND my grad party will include a very fine assortment of friends who I am VERY excited to see. Now if only the weather would cooperate so that the pool won't give us cases of hypothermia.

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