Wednesday, August 25, 2004

I've got it!

A job that is. The peeps from yesterday finally called me 8:30am today. As happy as I was to hear from them, couldn't they have called yesterday or perhaps later today when I wasn't contentedly sleeping? I know; I'm lazy. But the call meant I had to leave Chris's early, get back here to shower and change, call UWEC about a transcript, and then haul my ass over to HR across town.

In reality, outside my lazy morning mind, that's not too much work or trouble. The real work will come in today and tomorrow, meeting with teachers and other staff trying to figure out what exactly I'm supposed to teach and how I'm supposed to teach it. AND I have to throw a room together with all that teachery stuff, you know, like inspirational posters saying "I love reading--even boring shit" and "Speaking standard English is da bomb." I can't say I own any of that crap, but I suppose I'm going to have to if I'm going to have my own classroom (though I may be able to borrow the absent teacher's stuff). Ugh. A lot of stuff to do, all before class starts next Tuesday. Yes, I mean BEFORE Labor Day cuz this middle school doesn't understand the word "vacation." ::sigh:: Whatever.

Here's to having a new job...even if it IS only for 4-8 weeks...unless she decides to be a stay-at-home mom...

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