Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Why do I have homework?

I'm the teacher. It's so not fair that I have homework to do :P I'm busy prepping for tomorrow's classes. I have some of the day planned, and the room all set up, but I'm not sure what I'm doing for the last 20 minutes of class. Nor am I sure what to do with my 7th&8th grade combined reading class. I could do the same thing, but there are some 8th graders in both classes, so they won't be wanting to do the same thing. And so, tonight I will be brainstorming and coming up with a plan. And by tonight I mean, sometime between now and 11pm when I REALLY want to go to bed.

Because I want to sleep by then, I must make this a short blog entry. Wish me luck on my first day--I'm so going to need it.

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