Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Movin' right along, we're truly birds of a feather

She's arrived! After a week or so of slowly packing a few boxes, delivering a few boxes, day by day, I finally got off my ass and with the help of fan-skippin-tastic friends MOVED IN to my new place with Tricia.

And no, against what some would believe (hope) this doesn't mean I'm forsaking Chris and playing for the other team. It means I'm FINALLY living in a place I will likely be living in for more than just a few months. I can FINALLY settle in. And I can FINALLY hang up some pictures. And best of all, it means I get to live with one of my best friends. :)

Bleah...it also means I have to actually get up from behind the computer and start arranging my room. Right now it's hard to tell if I'm moving out or in; everything's still in boxes, crates, baskets, you name it and it's inaccessible. I suppose it's good then that I buried my bed, since I will then have to put away a few items before I crash tonight. At least my computer's all set to go--having a laptop is great that way. Well, time to start the project that likely won't end until the weekend...and even that is questionable.

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