Sunday, November 07, 2004

Unemployment never kept me so busy

I finished my long term teaching job on Wednesday. When I was almost finished with grading and such, I rushed off to La Casita from my very own first going-away party. I tell you, that day I felt soooooo loved. There were cards signed my teachers and students, flowers, an ivy plant in a pretty pot, a little teddy bear, a gift card to Olive Garden, and lots of hugs and well-wishers. There was only one sore point with one stupid kid, but I pretty well decided I'd had enough of his shit, so I yelled at him, told him I was tired of his crap, and that if he said one more word, he was out. The other teacher just kicked him out at that. Good luck to him in the future--what a whiny, ignorant, selfish brat.

But I'm going to miss most of the students and the staff. They really went out of their way for me. Thursday I was able to stop at the National Middle School Conference, picking up a bit of free stuff and attending a few seminars. The seminars were pretty boring, but I can always mention the training on applications. I also stopped at the middle school in an attempt to finish up the grading, but no, I ran out of time since I was carpooling with some teachers to the conference.

And then on Friday, I had my first short term sub job at a high school teaching math for the day. It went surprisingly well, considering I'm an English teacher and it's been 5 years since I took my last math course. The only bad part was that I was really really sick. I woke up in the morning with a swollen throat and a the chills. But I didn't want to call in sick on my first job outside the district I had been working in. I wanted to make sure I had a good start and continued a good reputation to keep up my options for future employment. Plus, it would have left Kelly Services with only an hour to find a substitute. Probably plenty of time, but I went anyway. Afterwards, I planned on stopping at the middle school to finally finish taking my stuff to my car and finish grading. I did that, and the secretary opened the door for me. She took one look at me and said, "You're sick." So they took my temperature, looked at my throat, and told me I should go get checked out for strep throat.

So I called Chris, he picked me up, and we went to the ER (the clinic was closed) to get me checked out. 4 hours later we were on our way home. That sucked so bad. But after two shots in my ass, antiobiotic pills, and a weekend of bedrest, I feel a lot better. Tomorrow afternoon I'm stopping at the middle school to FINALLY finish the grading, and to ask a few questions about my sub job teaching special ed. there on Tuesday. I also have 3 days subbing lined up for next week as well. Kelly Services and the awesome staff at the middle school are making sure I stay busy. I tell you one thing though. Tomorrow my phone stays OFF in the morning. No 6:50 am call for ME this time. At least not until Wed.

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