Thursday, July 22, 2004

Anticipation, precipitation, humidification

Tomorrow I find out a number of things:

1.  Do I have a job, not have a job, or do I have to go for a follow-up interview?

2.  Do Tricia and I have a chance at the 1st floor apartment, or is it too expensive, or does the landlord have someone else in mind for the place, or is he not home to answer Tricia's call at all?

3.  How many of my students are going to have their papers finished, how many students are going to talk and sit on their asses instead of working on their papers, and how many pages of Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging will I read out of complete boredom during class tomorrow?

4.  Will the weather finally cool down so that I may go for the run I so badly need or will I again be trapped in this sweltering house where sitting is enough exercise to neccesitate a shower?

5.  How long will it take me to fall asleep after a 3 hour nap this afternoon, laying in a warm room with an industrial strength fan blowing at me, while worrying about whether my career finally has a bright point?

Anything can happen, my friends.  Anything.  But one thing is for sure:
If I get the job tomorrow, I am going to celebrate by ordering the Dark Elf new hardcover trilogy from Amazon tomorrow.  If I don't get the job tomorrow, I am going to console myself by ordering the Dark Elf new hardcover trilogy from Amazon tomorrow.  It was a tough decision, but I think I'll be alright.

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