Monday, July 26, 2004

Where has all my tracking gone?

So I look at my tracker that I've had for a good year and a half now, and what do I see?  No traffic since last week.  Awfully suspicious, eh?  Yeah, especially since it counts whenever I check my own site, so even if no one ever visited my site cuz they think I'm a loser, I'd still get hits.   Like anyone would who likes seeing that there may be a few people who are actually interested in their life and writing, I decided to remedy the situation.

First, I tried to figure out what was different about my old tracker.  I couldn't find any problems with it.  When I tried getting in to my account with the tracker, I found that not only did I not remember what password I used, but that every single password I could possibly think of or have ever used in the history of my online usage just didn't work.  What next?

I searched the web to find a new tracker, grabbed the first one that looked decent, and stuck it on my website.  It seemed straight forward and detailed enough, and I gave it some time to work.  I clicked on it and logged in and...sure enough, no one visited.  Hm...great. 

Now I have two worthless trackers on my website, and am no closer to figuring out how to go about changing that, other than eliminating them both and putting a new one on there.  But part of me doesn't want to let go of my long log of visitors (long in a relative sense of course).  Any ideas of how to fix things?  Anyone?  Anyone?  Bueller?

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