Friday, May 16, 2003

Pack dat ass up

In the last 24 hours I have managed to make my room look shitty once again. No longer do its walls have their wonderfully enticing themes of Aruba, Tinkerbell, Legolas, Dragon Ball Z, and Incubus. No more do multi-colored christmas lights line the border of my bed frame or candles flicker on my dresser to make my room the ulitimate in pimpin quality, ahem, I mean "movie watching" quality. And no longer do my movies, books, and photo albulms cheerfully line my bookshelves. Instead, shoeboxes, file boxes, crates, and suitcases clutter up my room in stacks or shoved as much out of the way as possible. The rest of my belongings are spewed about my futon and desk, waiting to be sorted into boxes or bags of their own. Tomorrow afternoon my parents arrive. Soon afterwards, the boxes and suitcases and lamps will be gone. All that will remain are my computer, stereo and the furniture that goes with the room. By Saturday morning, it will all be gone, and any trace of my having lived here will be no more. For the first time ever, I am truly going to miss Eau Claire.

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