Monday, May 05, 2003

And now for a few quick news briefs (...or boxers, depending on preference):

*Went to see X-Men 2 with my friend Heidi on Saturday--well worth the $7.50 and the long wait in line standing next to groups of sweaty, hormonally challenged teenagers.

*Today is May 5th, and Oliver turns 6 years seems only yesterday I was holding him in one hand and feeding him with an eyedropper...::maternal sigh::

*I have the sniffles--I blame my roommates LeeAnn and Miranda, and also the half hour walk back to the apartment from Water St. Friday night (yeah, so it was my fault I was wearing slinky, not warm clothes, and was all sweaty from dancing :P )

*I still hate emotional fuckwits

*I bought fun new underwear at VS--I really like the new spring colors :)

*This is my last week of classes...and that means pretty much forever, though I still have student teaching, seminars, and I'll be spending my entire career in class...

*Lately I've been playing Arcanum, a pretty cool RPG that I just bought this weekend. It's taking me a while to get used to the game play, but I'm figuring it out and enjoying a new challenge. Beats dealing with emotional fuckwits any day ;)

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