Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Late night ponder

If and when I die--hey, you know what they say: I'm invincible until the day I die. So, saying that the inevitable is indeed inevitable, I've known for a long time that I'd want to be cremated. Cemetaries have creeped me out since the day I realized exactly what a cemetary was. I manage alright when traversing about one, but I do not relish it in the least bit. My grandmother on the other hand, she visits them regularly. I guess I just would rather do something or go somewhere that reminds me of the person when he/she lived as opposed to this ordinary (and crowded) piece of earth that had nothing to do with her/him except in death. Perhaps I will change my mind one day, but as it stands, I plan to be cremated. My problem is, I'm not sure what happens next. There's no way I want some urn sitting around a loved one's house, or anything like that. I'd rather I could just disappear, scattered onto the earth and into the water, to just float away. But then, who has the unpleasant duty of scattering those ashes? I certainly would not ever want the responsibility, so how could I ask another to do something like that? I could be buried, I guess. But where? A peaceful and beautiful spot in nature would be nice; somewhere people could go and remember me as I was in life and think tranquilly. Where exactly? I have no idea. It may not be for me to decide. And I suppose, it is not that important. Still, it's a strange and puzzling thought. What would you do, if the inevitable happened to you?

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