Monday, May 19, 2003

Home, home in the late 60's ranch-style house

I'm home again in GB, and lemme tell you, it's just a slammin time here, full on excitement jam-packed into every second....yeah....::sigh:: I still have a few things to unload from the van, and the whole basement (my bedroom) to arrange the way I want it. My mom and I went shopping today for some room accessories, but didn't find much, except a nice shower curtain that looks more like just a regular curtain to use as a room divider to split my bedroom part of the room from the entertainment area of the room--I suppose I could argue that they're one in the same ;) but then...I'm living in my parents''s not exactly a party house. Speaking of, my mom had a great comment at Target today. We were looking at the shower curtains, and there was a set with just the two side valances, not the straight panel hanging down, but the curtains going off to the side, held back by ties so that the bathtub would be framed. I'm sure it would look nice in a bathroom for that purpose, but using it as a room divider, particuarly right next to my bed would be intersting, since it would frame my bed then. My mom laughed at that picture in her mind, "Oh, that would be great, the curtains opening to your bed--Katie's love nest." To which I replied, "Oh yes, of course, because there'll be so much action going my parents' basement...yeah." It was one of those fun mother-daughter moments.

I suppose it will be good being at home, getting closer to my parents. On the other hand, my family will BE my social life here, which is rather depressing. They're just fine, but I'm really missing being able to see my friends whenever I want to. But it's only temporary, just this summer. And once I start working at GB Packaging, I'll be busier, making money, and perhaps even making some new friends. You never know--after all, it's there at GB Packaging that the fateful meeting of my bro Scott and his wife Jennifer occurred. Chances of something like that aren't too good though. Yeah, the other summer help is all college students, but I don't think there are that many of them, and they will be in other departments. The rest of the employees are mostly in their 30's and 40's or so, which doesn't work so well for me. I mean, there's nothing wrong with a few years here and there, but I put the limit at 29 for now. Scotty tested my limits as it was :P I wonder whatever happened to that guy. Eh, fuck if I care.

Speaking of, the other night when I went out with Tricia, I swear my past was coming to play mind tricks with me. But, I did well, "Your mind powers won't work on me, boy." So with the strength of mind of Jabba, but the swave demeanor of Lando and Han, and the stealthy moves of a Jedi, I got a groove on the dance floor of Shenan's, playing it cool around both Devin--that guy who's a science ed. major that I dated for a bit last semester--and Mark--the guy I hung out with on my birthday night. Devin was dancing with some chick, and I didn't see him at all since I was busy dancing with some fun, drunk and crazy guys and Tricia, until I turned around and there he was just a couple feet away. We made eye contact and gave surprised but cordial smiles, and went about having fun. Before that, I noticed Mark with some friends of his hanging out on the dance floor. He didn't notice me for quite a while, though I kept a look out of the corner of my eye once in a while. Eventually, he was near me and we turned and saw each other, and we chatted for a while. I don't think he ever expected (or probably wanted) to see me again after our fairly weird and somewhat embarassing last encounter. But he was nice enough, though he was busy with his friends most of the time. I paid him little mind, enjoying my time with Tricia and some random guys. Tricia and I even climbed up on the box and danced a bit next to some other people. I had always wanted to do that, you know, be on stage a little bit. Unfortunately, it was not one of my better nights and I was probably not that great looking with my hair back in a pontail, soaked to the bone in sweat like everyone else dancing, but it was fun nonetheless and at that point I really didn't care what anyone thought--not because I was drunk (I only had one drink before we even left for the bars) but because I just didn't care. It was a short night out, but I was really glad Tricia made the trip.

To top off the evening, Jenny and I decided to be a bit mischievious, dangerous, and break some rules. Granted, for some people, this would mean stealing one of those big gumball macine or ash cans outside a business, or maybe toilet papering the campus or plastic-wrapping the RA's car. But for Jenny and I, it was climbing out on the roof from the 2nd floor window. We had thought about it a few times, noticing that the window had no screen on it, and the roof was fairly dark so you could hide if necessary. And always seemed like a fun place to hang out and sit for a while. A few days ago, we noticed about 4 people actually sitting on the roof, at 8pm, easy to see and being loud. Not surprisingly, they were kicked off there and a sign was put up in the hall nearby saying "Please do not go out and stand on the roof. And if you know where the window screen is, please return it." We decided that the sign was not specific enough and that sitting on the roof was therefore allowable. After making sure the coast was clear, we daringly opened the window, safeguarded its openness with Jenny's sweatshirt, and took turns climbing through the window and onto the roof. The stones were cold and not so comfortable for my barefeet, but I didn't mind. We took turns posing for various pictures, and then I chickened out when I saw a van driving around the parking lot a ways away. It doesn't help that the RA's room is right across the hall from the windows. What can I say, I'm a wuss, but I WAS the first one through the window AND I suggested taking the pictures. I try. I'm just not that daring...but I'm learning. All in all, it was sadly probably the most "illegal" thing I've done in college. But hey, I WAS a Girl Scout, you know ;)

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