Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Working after bar time

It's really sad driving home at 2am, with the streets nearly bare, only the occassional Tuesday night drinker cheerily passing by me who is caked with dried up sweat and paper dust and some smears of grease. Working 10 hours, from 4pm-2am isn't exactly ideal, but I can't say it's much worse than working 9 hours 3pm-12am, since I would be up that late anyway. ::sigh:: My body is pretty tired, but my mind is going and going so I'm trying to keep myself occupied. I nearly threw in Star Wars since I was in the mood, but I resisted the temptation, knowing I'd REALLY be up late then. Only 2.5 more weeks of work left. I almost wish there was more, cuz I know I need the money, but I'm afraid that I really can't manage to work that last week and be ready to move to EC, and see friends, and organize my affairs without that extra week. Not to mention, I need to contact the middle school I'll be student teaching at to find out if I need to get there early to talk with the teacher. EEEK! The school year is coming on fast! So much to do in so little time and so many thoughts running through my mind. Time to watch an episode of Trigun in an attempt to slow down. Later!

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