Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Dan and I must be on the same wavelength, I swear

Speaking of Rent, look who's been taking to quoting lines from the musical as I have...and don't say I just copied him cuz I didn't--he copied me...well, okay, he probably didn't and maybe it's suspicious that I start talking about Rent after he does, but well, just poo on you if you don't believe me :P See, he does it not once, not twice, but three times. Which goes to prove what I have always said, RENT rocks :)

On another note, this afternoon I chatted online with both Matt and ex-Mike. Good times, hm? Yeah, I basically told both of them about how I'm seeing Craig, which was okay I guess. Matt sounded a bit disappointed, saying something about how he did like me, but he fucked things up and he feels bad about it. He said he still wants to hang out with me when I get back to EC, so I suppose I could do that. He admits that he still is going to flirt, and I said I can allow that ;) But no fear; I'm going to be a good girl :) And as for Mike, we had a nice little conversation about how the summer is going. He still hasn't found his job yet, but he's working hard at Papa's. Things are going well between him and his gf, so I guess that's good too. I admit that I selfishly somewhat-secretely wish things weren't going well, not because I don't want him to be happy, but because the idea of him with another woman still brings out some color in me. It'll fade eventually...Until then, I just have to remember that it's his life and he is my good friend and I should want what is best for him, not me. Mostly I just kinda miss him and how close we were. But, maybe things are better for me this way, who knows? As it is, Craig is a really great guy, and I'm glad he asked me out. I'm looking forward to getting to know him even better and seeing how things go during the school year. I plan on doing my best to never hurt him. So far so good. He just seems like the kind of guy who would jump through highly elevated spiked hoops of noxious flames to keep from hurting me. That's the kind of guy worth keeping around :)

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