Sunday, August 24, 2003

Prepare to fast forward! Fast forward! Fast Foward!

It's a countdown to EC! Tomorrow I get to pack up, make cupcakes, go shopping, hang out with Mary, Tricia, Shelly, and Amy, do laundry, and clean up my room--not all in that specific order of course. This is all in preparation for my move back to EC on Monday. From Monday on, this is going to be one hella-busy week involving meeting up with my cooperating teacher at Altoona middle school, going to a few inservice days, attending a seminar all day Friday, finally seeing my friend Heidi after a summer of no seeing Heidi, preparing lesson plans and a unit schedule and organizing the classroom for when school starts the following Tuesday, AND to top it off, most likely I'll be spending at least part of my weekend in MN to kick back with old pals :) I've missed you all! Especially you, Jenny, the slacker who never drove to GB to visit :P All I can say is that you better make your way to London once or twice to make up for it ;)

For now, it's time for bed so I can actually manage to function tomorrow. I HOPE my parents don't wake me up early...I can only hope...

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