Friday, August 15, 2003

Dude, she's stacked!

As in, she has stacked...she has stacked all fricken night long. And it was boring...very boring. The only bright side was finishing. And also having someone to talk to. Meanwhile, NYC is powerless without electricity. The generators at the news stations seem to be working just fine :P It's so odd seeing tons of people sleeping in the street or walking in flocks on highways, trying to get home. The largest blackout in North American history. I love the way the news people keep asking if any looting has happened. It's like they are ASKING for people to start looting so they can get more news footage. They probably just want to go to bed, like I do, so they're trying to amuse themselves. Wow, someone in labor...geez, what a day to have a baby. "I hope you're happy, young man/woman. You've been nothing but trouble since the day you were born. I don't have the evidence, but I'm pretty sure that major power outage was your fault."

Locally, nothing really new. I get to work 4pm-2am AGAIN tomorrow. ::sigh:: The only good thing is my parents are camping this weekend, so I can sleep in and relax for the rest of the weekend. Oh yeah, and I've stopped drinking soda--been "clean" for 2.5 days now. It's kind of annoying, but it's better to do without the soda, save some money, and save my poor teeth. My dentist appointment on Tuesday informed me that I should quit drinking soda, especially the worst ones: Mountain Dew and Pepsi, or the decalcinization (something like that) going on in a few of my teeth could lead to cavities within a year. Considering the fact that I've never had a cavity, that bothers me. SO, I'm drinking more juice, water, and milk, and we'll see where that gets me. It's possible that the deterioration is already too far along, but I'm hoping I can do something about it. Of course, I'll have a soda now and then, and just make sure I brush my teeth soon afterwards. I know that cutting back on the soda is probably a good idea anyway since I don't get enough fruit in my diet and juice is probably the best way for someone like me who is not a fan of many fruits. And yes, I realize juice has a lot of sugar in it too, so I have to watch out for that. BUT, it's that folic acid in soda that really gets ya.

Alright, that's enough for tonight. It's almost 4am and I get to go back to work in 12 hours. Bleah...I strongly dislike working. If I could make $10/h + overtime without working, I'd probably choose to do that. But so far, I have yet to discover a way to do that. Let me know if you've found anything like that :) Until then, it's sleepy time. Later ;)

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