Monday, August 04, 2003

Forever flicker in close up on the 3D IMAX of my mind

While on my way to MN this weekend, I did something I hadn't done in a very long time--listened to the entire soundtrack of RENT. I had forgotten how much I liked that musical. And I had forgotten how that musical makes me feel. There was a reason why I did not listen to it for a couple years....which should come as no surpise. There are associations with certain songs, the entire musical, and I could not bring myself to listen. But lately I had been humming the tunes in my head at work and I thought that a 4.5 hour drive might be a good time to break the musical silence. The funny thing is, it took me until this weekend while I was feeling introspective to realize what rent meant. There is a song in the musical called "I'll Cover You" and a line in the song says, "I know they meant it when they said you can't buy love, now I know you can rent it. I will lease you on my love." The meaning I took out of it this time, but could not grasp before, is that you cannot own love, you cannot hold on to it...all you can do is rent it for a time. And appreciate that time. ::sigh:: With a thousand sweet kisses...I would have covered him all my life. But all I could do is rent.

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