Wednesday, July 09, 2003

A Tree Grows in My Front Yard

And coincidently, a tree grows in my backyard too. Actually there's a couple in the front AND back. A silver maple and a blue spruce in front (ooh, come to think of it, that's a nice color combo...not that they are really "silver" or "blue") and a, other trees in back. There used to be a crabapple tree in the back too, but we wanted more sunlight back there and we got sick of picking up the crabapples and dealing with the plethora of wasps that buzzed around the myriad little pink blossoms. But that's beside the point.

Tonight I got out of work early so, like any good English major, I spent it watching anime and comedy TV shows. My mother found a copy of the new Harry Potter book to borrow, so I'm sure I could technically swipe it from her at night when I'm done with work and she is sleeping. However, I told myself I would reread books 3 & 4 (or at least skim them) before I started the new book. Problem is...I don't have so much motivation to read books I've already read. Plus, I haven't been in a big Harry Potter mood lately. Frankly, I'd much rather read the next book in the Dark Elf series by R. A. Salvatore...if only it'd be released soon. BUT of course, it's not--I just checked the Wizard product listing and there it is WAAAAAAY down on the list, 7th from the bottom: The Lone Drow to be released in October :P Granted, the last one came out last October, so it's only a year inbetween so it could be much worse. Still, I like his dark elf books so much and Drizzt is pretty much my favorite literary character. This pic is about the best one out there of him. It'd be nice if there was more than one decent pic--the other renditions (pretty much all from bookcovers) just don't seem to coincide with my impressions of him from the novels. They make him look ultra fierce which I do understand, I mean, he's a ranger and a very good swordsman who usually acts fairly stoic, but he does still have emotions and is more than just a sword-wielding, buff-looking dark elf. And, dark elf or not, I tend to think of elves as a bit more delicate than that. Maybe not as delicate as one like Legolas, but he should at least SEEM light enough to run on the snow (something Drizzt does in one of the later novels--can't think of which one offhand...actually it might be Sea of Swords which Bastard Mike has not yet returned to me--anyway, yeah, Drizzt runs on the snow while the rest of his friends trudge through several feet of snow just like Legolas does on Caradhras [had to look up that one] in Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring).

You know, at this point, I'm not really sure where I was going with any of this. It could be I was going to talk about my day at work and I merely got sidetracked with an excedingly long introduction and then an explanation. Then again, maybe it was my intention all along, you know, using the wonderful writer's technique of "writing off the subject"--writing about something other than what's on your mind so that really what IS on your mind will probably show through without being as overtly obvious and not-so-exciting as it would if you actually tried writing ON the subject. Or maybe I'm just tired and felt like writing about something other than current events, especially since current events aren't that thrilling to those not involved. Well, there are more things to talk about from the weekend, but I just can't bring myself to write about anything so...obvious, yeah, that's it. Alright, I think I've had enough babbling for one night. Just remember, the chips may run out...but there's always more salsa.

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