Wednesday, July 02, 2003

4th Time's a Charm

Holiday weekend starting tomorrow at 4pm :) Working a 10 hour day is going to suck (yet again) tomorrow, but it'll be worth it if it prevented me from working Saturday. Tomorrow after work it's time to hit the road for a weekend adventure in the wilds of MN. Oh, and I mean WILD--not like a hockey team, we're talking...crazy stuff. Okay, probably not that crazy, but perhaps working 10 hours, then driving 5 hours, proceeded by drinking, dancing and dominatrix encountering at the club Ground Zero is a tad insane...but I think I'll survive. As for the rest of the weekend, I figure: No plans + Groovy Friends = Unlimited possibility for good times. And yes, I DID think of that myself :P Have a fun and safe 4th of July!!! And play with sparklers! Sparklers rock!

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