Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Poetry in motion...or inbetween motions

Lately while at work I've taken to writing lines of poetry and prose on pieces of scrap paper. It's my poor attempt at making up for all the weeks I've slacked off when it comes to my writing. There's no complete poem or story yet, but I have a pretty good start on a couple things. Speaking of good starts, it seems that Craig and I have a good start on a relationship. As of Sunday evening, I guess he and I are official so I can call him my boyfriend I suppose. Seems rather weird, especially since we've only been dating for a couple weeks and I've known him for a couple months. This last year was all casual dating with no committment whatsoever...but then again, where did that get me? In the words of Incubus, "Nowhere Fast." No idea yet what may come of this development, but thus far he seems like a welcome change from the much more self-absorbed fellows that barely gave me a chance. Or from the ones that have seem to have no clue what they want aside from wanting to screw with your feelings. I think I've had enough of emotional fuckwits--it's time we beat them!!! grrr...dude, Tricia, we so have to work on our blog. I'll see what I can do this week...I tried to start something last weekend and I even had an idea....but somehow the weekend and then a week just all disappeared until it became today and nothing ever got written. ::sigh:: Oh well. I better head to bed...sometimes working 1st shift really when I get up at 5am, yeah, that's when it really sucks.

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