Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Something tells me class is going to be hella boring

Yeah, I'm down the hill, wasting time on lower campus when I'd MUCH rather be sleeping. Of course it's my own fault that I didn't get a full night's rest, and I have no problem with the fact that I stayed up til 7am working on papers that should have been done hours beforehand. No, that was actually worth it. I didn't feel that bad at all writing til late last night, and though I woke up feeling grumpy, the rest of my day hasn't gone too badly. It's just that at this point in my day, I'm usually fairly unexcited about my evening class, and with little sleep and less patience, I'm even more NOT excited to go to class. Discussion isn't bad, in fact, I often enjoy class discussions. However, there comes a point when a three-hour long discussion about topics I only half-heartedly feel like talking about becomes tedious, pointless, long...and boring. Even when the subjects are thought-provoking and informative, such as a discussion of culture clashing, like in the case of Hmong traditions and Western medicine in the case of epilepsy, my attention is only held for so long before my mind starts turning in on itself. Ususally it's about halfway through the class, when we are able to have a 5-10 min break to use the facilities, grab a drink or snack from the vending machine, and eventually wander back to the classroom. Right about then, I'm set to leave. Sitting down again, knowing that there's another 1.5 hours to go is almost excruciatingly painful--and not even just because of the mental meltdown, but it is also physically bothersome to sit in the same cramped room on uncomfortable shares and try to seem attentive after already having 2 classes and either reading, writing, or typing between 11-6pm. Oh, I know, poor baby...I work, I work out, I am involved in a gazillion clubs, go spelunking and what not, yes, I realize that for the most part I'm whimp who just one long day a week. But you know, one long day is quite enough. If my entired week was like this, I'm sure I'd get used to it. Having one day, just makes me despise that one day. I used to like Tuesdays, but now....they annoy me. And I blame it on FED 385, a human relations course. Yes, out of all my classes, the one that is supposed to make me more tolerant, thoughful, and informed about human cultures has me wanting to shut up my classmates and get the fudge out of there. Even CI 317 seems more acceptible, though it is infinitely less meaningful than FED 385. Why? Because that class is only an hour and 50 minutes, with a 10 min break in the middle.

::sigh:: Sorry for the cynicism. I'll get over it once I get some food, get the heck out of class, and then get some sleep. So yeah, that's about it for now. My rant for the day is done, and now it's time to get some food in my belly! ;)

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