Sunday, April 06, 2003

Get Busy!

Been a while since I updated--sorry about that. I've been slacking off I guess. Tonight I have to work on a couple papers--I plan on getting one done tonight, and the other done by tomorrow night. Neither is really that hard--I don't even need any secondary sources for either. And they're only 5 and 3 pages respectively. Compared to previous semesters, this is cake ;) Anyway, nothing new going on here. Thursday I went to see About Schmidt with Lars at the theater in the mall. At the time I wasn't really in the mood to venture out into the cold and ice, but the movie was thoughtful and it was nice to hang out with Lars for a change of pace. Friday was dinner/breakfast at 11pm with Jenny, with Maverick to follow--I love that movie :) And last night was night out with the girls on Water St. It took us a while to get out, but once we did, it was good times had by all. We were all disappointed that the stupid bars decided that because of Daylight Savings Time they would close at "1am" instead of 2am, even though the time is not supposed to change until 2am--very lame. Dancing was fun, and there was even a fairly cool guy there named Travis who, though short, was not short on wit. We didn't exchange numbers or anything, but he wouldn't be a bad guy to hang out with if I ever ran into him again. It was refreshing for me to dance with a guy who didn't take things seriously and could just kid around while flirting. I'm a sucker for goofballs, what can I say ;)

Not too much else to say for the time being. V-ball is coming up on Saturday and we have an extra ticket since Will can't come. Since we can't figure out who else would want to come and CAN come, we're probably going to sell it soon. We should have no problem getting rid of it. It's a little disappointing though that we're going to sell it after all the trouble with trying to get more tickets :P Oh well, such is life. Time to work on this paper :P Later!

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