Thursday, October 31, 2002

I managed to survive the high school seniors far. I still must get past the swinging swords of fire so don't count me in yet ;) What sucks though is the pleathora of homework I have now :P It seems like I have less to do cuz I have less classes (though in acutality this driving 25 min to the school every morning and then spending a couple hours there and then driving 25 min back seems to take up just as much time, especially since it is EVERY DAY). But I have a lot of big assignments coming up that I have barely begun to look at. I should have likely done more last week, and perhaps this week, but this week at least I have the excuse of having a stupid cold. From now it's school school school. I was thinking of trying to apply for a job in this "extra" time....but I think that's going to wait at least until my unit for English 406 is done. That's going to be a bitch to do, but it's nothing I havne't experienced before.

Other than that, not a whole lot is new. For the sake of an update, and not to dwell, this is the guy situation:
John hasn't called, so pretty much forget him. Brandon hasn't called either, so I guess he's not really into keeping up this friendship--the problem with forgetting about him is that I'm not sure if telling him that Mike and I broke up a couple weeks ago is going to change anything or not and I haven't had the opportunity to talk to him long enough to tell him that. So that's up in the air, but a bit pushed aside for the time being. Scotty's really cool, and he was originally supposed to visit this weekend, but he can't cuz his parents are visiting him instead to see his new place and all that jazz. He and I both call each other, so at least we're on good terms, so we shall see. Sam, the guy I met in Madison a couple weekends ago, and I went out for lunch on Sunday which was nice, friendly like, and he called this week too just to say hi and such, so now I have his number too. Not quite sure what to think of that--it'd be nice to get to know him better, but he lives in MN so it's a little difficult, but not too bad. Not sure if I see him in a romantic light or not, and I hope that he doesn't push that, and so far he's been really casual about it all, so I'm thinking that's good. And then there's Devon, the guy I met at the pub crawl last Friday who is going to be a teacher as well. He's a nice guy, cute, and he and I watched Memento tonight, which was one messed up movie. I'm still not sure what I think of it--it was just...interesting I guess...and LONG! As far as he I go, we're also on a friend type basis, though a bit more friendly than Sam and I. But I've been behaving....for the most part ;) I'm not sure what's with the guys lately--I mean, who meets someone at a bar? ( my parents met at a bar....but that's not the point)

Right now, I'm trying to keep myself open for whoever and whatever comes along. I'm not really quite sure where my feeling lie at the moment. It sort of sways back and forth from day to day. I will say that Scotty has shown himself to be a really thoughtful guy and he has impressed me, but it is sort of difficult since he and I have only hung out together twice. I'd like to see him again and see what happens. So I guess if I had a list, he'd be first on it at this given moment. I'm not trying to be fickle or anything, but I guess I just want to keep my options open, since I've kind of learned that things rarely go as you think they will. Besides, I've been either single without dating or in a committed relationship for most of my life; I think it's a good time to be dating different people and getting to know a variety of guys while I'm waiting for the RIGHT guy to develop out of a possibility or stop in and show himself.

Despite the atypical social life going on right now, it's not really top on my mind right now. This whole teaching thing is tending to run at the forefront, shoving everything else below it. Strange that for once school is coming first, hm? Well, not that I am spending ALL my time studiously...I mean, there's gotta be time for my wonderful Sims family of Kate and Elijah Wood ;) hehehe, thought you might get a kick out of that Tricia :) hehhehe I guess since I never got around to writing him a letter, having a Sim character dedicated to him will have to be enough ;) ::sigh:: besides, in my experience, Aquarius's are trouble...oh wait, I'm an Aquarius....does that mean I'm trouble?

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