Monday, October 21, 2002

Had a great weekend in Madtown! Mandy and I spent time with her family and one of her old friends on Friday, which was pretty cool and relaxing--just the right touch. And Saturday we slept in a bit, went shopping, and hit the town :) Lara's mom took the 3 of us downtown and we hit The Red Shed which was alright--they sell HUGE long island iced we each had one. In the mean time, we were talking to a couple guys, except Mandy and Lara were talkign to theirs and I was talking to a different one who's friend introduced us. He was pretty cool--graduated the UMN, has a job, and likes the local band scene in MN which was fun to talk about. He bought me another long island iced tea which was very nice of him (especially since they're $5) and asked to put my phone number in his cell phone. I tell ya though, I REALLY didn't need that second drink....I got half way through and was FEELIN IT! Silly alcohol ;) I split half of it with Lara and Mandy cuz we had to get going on to the next place, but still, by the time we left I was drunk. So we travelled on to Brothers.

Once at Brothers, we all three made a b-line to the bathroom, which was hilarious cuz there was a line, so all three of us said we'd go into it together...though it was a single-person bathroom. The funny part was that I made it to the pot first, and the two of them were yelling at me to hurry up, which made me laugh cuz they were doing the potty dance like 5 year olds ;) So, we all three get out of there, meet back with Mandy's guy that joined us in going to Brothers, and as we were walking to another part of the bar, someone tapped me on the shoulder. Who was it? Shelly! :) I had called her earlier in the evening, and it had sounded like she wasn't coming, so to see her there was really cool :) So the 4 of us had a pretty good time the rest of the night, meeting some a bit older guys, one for each of us, and having pizza at their house (not the original plan, but it just worked out that way) and watching Road Trip, which was alright. The guy I was talking to for most of the night...well, he seemed cool when I met him, making small talk at the bar sort of flirty and such, but the more I got to know his personality....the more annoying he got. By the end I'm like...why am I even talking to him? Eh, oh well.

It was a fun AND very CHEAP night too since I only spent $6 for a drink and tip and ended up with 2 drinks and pizza :) And Shelly drove us which was super ultra cool of her, especially since we were a bit out of the way. I'll have to repay her next time we go out. Next day was okay, except for the drive back to EC. Yeah, it was fun chillin with Mandy, but it took us FOREVER. First she/her mom forgot something her mom needed out of the car, so we had to drive back after we wre already a half hour out. That wasn't TOO bad, but when put together with a huge traffic jam....seriously, it was about 15 miles long and added another hour and a half onto our trip. AND Lara (who was driving in a separate car back to EC) was having car trouble, so we were trying to meet up with her even though she was ahead of us by quite a distance so that maybe we could help her, but before we could set up a definate meeting place, Mandy's cell died. So we took two different exits, looking for Lara on the onramps. Not there, but we did stop at a gas station and used a phone there to call Lara, only to find out that her car is doing alright now and she's waaay ahead of us now. So, back into the traffic jam, finally get out of it, and a few min of peace....only to have the SNOW start. Visibility was shitty, so (being that I was driving from a point shortly before the traffic jam to EC) I was driving at about 15 mph lower than I normally would and also in a state of constant alertness for the next 45 min....It was a long night. I didn't finally relax until after I made some chocolate chip muffins and enjoyed them with Jenny and we vented a little and then did homework.

Today I met up with my cooperating teacher for being a TA this semester (starting next week). He was really nice and friendly, so I'm hoping I'll be comfortable in his classroom. It sounds like his class is sort of laid back and they really encourage student-based learning and even cross-content activities, which is great cuz that's what I've been learning all through college...about constructivist classrooms and giving students options and blah blah blah. I think I've read enough of it all to make my head really, it is a major plus when I go breakdancing--I'm the envy of everyone. ;) Okay, maybe not. But it IS good to have the first meeting with him over with, so that I can be that much less nervous when I meet the class next Monday. For now though...I get to concentrate on MY school and waaaaay too much homework. So I had best get crackin'. Catch ya later!

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