Thursday, October 17, 2002

Okay, I feel better now. It really helped to go with Jennifer and Jenny to Applebee's for happy hour :) Well, it wasn't really happy hour anymore, but it was dinner time and we had a couple drinks with our nice meals. It definately hit the spot, although I felt kinda icky after having a couple sweet drinks--those Mudslides are great, especially the MUCHO Mudslides, but you can only take so much of something that tastes like a very sweet chocolate shake. And to follow it up with an Irish coffee is nice, but still a bit on the sweet side. Eh, but it was tasty. However, having nearly half of Jenny's MUCHO strawberry margarita--which had Jose Cuervo and triple sec instead of just the house margarita mix--yeah, that got me feeling a LITTLE bit of a buzz. Just enough to add to the sleepiness I was already feeling.

So by 10:30 I was ready to zonk out. I can't believe I went to bed then, but I did...however I woke up about an hour later from my roomies being loud, but then I eventually drifted back to sleep...only to wake up at 1am, wide awake! Then I did what any resposible college student would do--worked on and ended up finishing the homework I had planned to do first thing in the morning. Back in bed by 3:30 and I got up at 8:30. You'd think that with the extra sleep I got I would have been feeling awake when I smacked my alarm clock. BUT of course I felt more tired than ever and it took me another 15 min to get out of bed, which I did not have. Late to class today, but it wasn't a big deal.

And now I'm actually feeling sort of awake, which is good since I have to work on a proposal for my Eng 406 unit--it's only about one page and I email it--and I have to type up answers to some discussion questions for another class--also not too hard. I know by 5pm though I'm going to be so ready to crash...BUT I have to give Brandon a call then and see about getting together so we can have our little talk. Maybe he'll want to talk around 8pm...that'll give me a nice 2.5 hour nap :) Here's hoping at least. With the way he is, I wonder if he even will remember and be around when I call him :P Hmm, and I have to call Mandy to let her know about the weekend--she asked me to go to Madison with her and I'm thinking about it. I'd also like to stay in town so that I can go to the Down and Above concert Friday night in MN, which I would drag Jenny to ;) I suppose I had best decided soon, so I'll have to find out the details from Mandy (like if she still plans on going, etc.). Anyway, time for homework...oh joy.

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