Tuesday, October 22, 2002

sooo tired....and feeling very dumb for not getting stupid paper done yesterday. I can finish no problem in the next hour, but I just don't feel like it. I have a page written already (only took me a half hour, and that was with goofing off online and organizing my thoughts for the paper, which does take while, getting things to seem like there's some form going on) and I don't intend writing more than 3 pages probably. This will likely receive a mediocre grade, but I have done pretty well in everything else for the class, so I'm not TOO worried about bombing one paper. Especially knowing how much more my Unit will count anyway...which I suppose I should get started on this week, since it's due Nov. 19th and it really takes a lot of work. I'd like to make a quality one this time. Last unit I made was kinda fluffy, though it took a lot of work and planning. I'm thinking I'll grab a coffee before my midterm at 2pm. I figure I'll need a boost by then. I need a boost now, but I just ate and I should get this paper done first anyway. At least I got an A on my graphic organizer for CI 312 :) yeah, that assignment was a pain--we had to create a graphic that showed the main ideas and our interpretation of them from a book we had to read. It took forever to make the dang thing using MS Word. The only thing he said I could have improved upon was color. I suppose using all tints of blue wasn't the most colorful idea, but with little choice of printers (thank you Jenny) I decided it was a better choice than going somewhere on campus and paying for a color copy. Anyway, I had best get back to the paper for a while...maybe I'll write a celebratory entry when I'm done...

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