Thursday, September 04, 2003

Why are entire years strewn on the cutting room floor of memories...

Last night I did something I really did not want to have to do, but I had to do it. I broke things off with Craig. I had been having doubts for a while, and this last weekend I finally got to the point where I knew I couldn't put it off any longer and I had to really face the fact that Craig and I are just at two different points in our lives and have too few connections to make it through the barriers. And I know that really this will be a much better situation for him, knowing he has at least 3 years of college ahead of him and so many experiences yet to have. We just were not right for each other, but I wanted to take the time to make sure. Now I know, and though I feel pretty bad for putting him through it all, in the end it's a good thing for both of us.

As for teaching, so far so good. The kids are going to be a handful and more, but I'm hoping that thinking on my feet and my sense of humor will get me through it without too many scars. Getting plenty of sleep should also help...I should have been in bed hours ago. BUT, I got to see Tiff who I hadn't seen since she left EC over a year ago. Now she's back to work on her schooling again. YAY! :) And Ms. Jenny might be coming to visit this weekend! So, all around it's good times with good friends. AND...there might just be some more good things around the corner...or closer ;)

P.S. Sorry the comments aren't working. YACCS is having issues with their server, and they're doing the best they can. I miss comments :( But soon! Soon they shall return! Until then, you can always email me if you've got something good to say ;) (just check the left margin of the blog for the link "ask me") Sweet dreams, all!

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