Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Do you hear the people comment?

Maybe not "hear," but we certainly are VERY happy that YACCS was able to fix the problems in a relatively short time and make the comments all better again--thank you YACCS!

In other news, school is still going alright. I tell you, sometimes it's so strange to be at home and realize I don't really have much to do at all for "homework." I have some emails to do, and I should be working on my portfolio and also doing some organizing for my London trip, but tonight it was just great taking a nap after school/work (I tend to call it "work" cuz I am acting as a teacher and not taking classes per se). I did some organizing of my notes and room and a LITTLE work. I'll really have to get in gear tomorrow. I want to make sure I have all the little but important stuff done before I leave this weekend for MN. I'm so looking forward to the weekend :) Originally I thought this would be a weekend to go to GB, but I'm glad it turns out I get to help celebrate Tricia's birthday! It'll be good to see mi amiga again, and of course, el hombre que lo me quisiera hacer un novio. If you don't know Spanish, well, there's always a translator. Granted, my Spanish language skills are pretty rusty and I was trying to use the subjunctive which was always rather confusing, but you should be able to get the gist of it. When in doubt, ask Tricia--I did. ;)

Actually, I'm feeling good in most aspects, except this annoying pseudo-cold. It's like I'd rather just get the stupid being sick part over with and move on, but no, I stay on the verge of having a cold, just suffering from sniffles, a little drowsiness, and watery eyes--it's almost like allergies except I don't have sinus allergies, and it's not consistent. But yeah, otherwise I'm doing alright, even talked to Craig online a bit last night and he was friendly enough. I'm glad he's doing well and that what happened was just a bump on the road of experience for him. As for me? I've been good :) Jenny and I went dancing Saturday night and she managed to pick up a fellow--it'll be interesting to see what she does with that ;) And I danced a little with Ricardo from Peru--ooh, how exotic, hm? He behaved himself well so I didn't have to lay the smack down, and dancing with him a little gave Jenny the chance to be more one on one with her dancing fellow. Truthfully, I also could have picked up a fellow, since he did ask for my number, but for one thing, I wasn't really interested, and for another, I think now maybe I could tell you I have a certain person in mind :) Of course, it's all very cool and different and exciting, but it's also very new so time to take it one step at a time. Think I can handle that? I hope so--sometimes I really am so impatient. But I usually can find plenty of patience when I'm waiting for something good.

There is one dilemna that arises from these new developments...he reads this blog! "Not again!" you say. Aye, unfortunately, tis true. Not that I mind his reading the blog, but there is that whole conflict of interest thing that may come up. For now, I'll just keep doing what I'm doing, and write what I would normally write. Eventually though, I might have to think about making some changes :(!!! Unless of course he promises to not read my blog...or maybe I just need one of those flashy things they use to erase your memory in MIB..hm...anyone know where I can get one? ;)

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