Saturday, September 13, 2003

Bon jour! Je m'appelle Katie!

Slowly, VERY slowly, I am learning a very WEE bit of French thanks to sitting in on my cooperating teacher's 7th grade French class. They only meet a couple times a week and it's only an introductory course for the quarter, so it's more of a cultural tasting than a language course. But I've learned a few things about France and I know how to say a couple little things. I have no idea how to spell, and I'm not sure if she's going to teach them the alphabet or anything. I know they're going to learn how to count to 10, and that will be nice, but I'm pretty sure I'll be like any other stupid American tourist when I visit Paris this winter.

Yeah, with Jenny gone now, it's like a constant reminder that I too will be in England in the not-too-distant future. I just hope I can get everything organized and packed given the little time I'll have in GB before I go. I'm so glad I'm getting my hair cut though, even if it's still a month away--I'm so sick of this ultra long mop. For those of you that have known me a long while, you know that this is about as long as my hair has ever been. For some people, this wouldn't be that long, like Liz whose hair has been so long she could sit on it. But for me, it's nearing almost halfway down my back and I find that amazing! And totally annoying. I like it when I make it look nice; however, it's getting to the point where it's just heavy and getting boring. But soon...SOON! My hair will be super short, not quite a pixie cut, but short enough that I can do things like spike it up or put little curls in it. And it will have highlights! I've never put highlights in since it already tends to have highlights, but I'm thinking lighter blonde ones and red ones---ooh, such fun will be had! At least for me. Well, I think that's enough babbling about my's not exactly the top thing people want to know about. Anyway, I'm in MN hanging with Tricia, so I better go be social :) Later!

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