Friday, November 08, 2002

ROAR!!!!! WTF???! WHAT IS HIS ISSUE?!!!! Okay, this outburst is coming from me, but it is not concerning me, not directly that is. I read Tricia's blog since she told me her mood would be explained by it...and now I can understand why it says FUCK!!!! very big across the top of the entry. That guy deserves a big swift kick in the ass...and the face. How could he do that to her? That selfish piece of shit....I am mad...VERY MAD. ERRRG! ::sigh:: At least the blow can be softened a little if she thinks about the fact that there IS one very nice guy out there that likes her and appreciates her. Unfortunately, feelings are a messed up issue. BUT, if this shitty guy I was yelling about has managed to make Tricia think that she is less desireable, then I'm VEEEEEEERRRRY MAD, cuz Tricia is deserves sooooo much more. She's a kick ass friend and GRRRR! It's a good thing I don't know this fellow, otherwise there would be issues @E%Q@$!!@!$%!

On a totally different note, I managed to sleep through to 12pm today, totally screwing myself over in 2 ways--one: I missed English 341 for the 5th time. two: I missed TAing at the high school which looks VERY bad, so I just emailed the teacher and apologize profusely. What a start to a wonderful day? Tricia--You, Me, the bars, getting free drinks, tonight.

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