Tuesday, March 04, 2003

Late night questions:

*Why is it that some of the best conversations happen at the most inopportune times?
*How can a person change so much in a few months' time?
*How is it that I can think I know a person for years and realize in a week that I really don't know the person at all?
*How can I love and let go at the same time?
*Is there a way to live in the past, present, and future without spontaneously combusting?
*What is true love? Can it exist in the real world?
*Can betrayed trust ever be regained?
*Will I always be a procrastinator?
*How many times can my heart withstand breaking before it stops healing itself?
*Why am I blogging instead of working on my unfinished take home test?

I just had to let some of that out. Nothing has really happened, I'm just contemplative about a lot of different things this evening, er, morning...I guess. Well, I better get to bed so I can work on my test in the morning since my head is so not into world literature tonight. These questions may not be answerable, but thinking about them is important anyway. One thing is for sure though, honesty really is a virtue. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It may not always be the easiest choice, but it's an important choice. Heck, it's one of the few virtues I've got going for me. It's the only part of being "pure" that really fits me (fyi, "Katie" comes from the Greek word for "pure"). ::sigh:: The rest of the virtues? Well, I'll work on them. ;)

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