Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Breaking the Silence

Now that I'm back from spring break, I figure it's about dang time I blog. I was sick of looking at that one line entry with bad formatting. Time for something new! In my next post I'll talk about the trip, but right now I'd rather deal with more recent things. This weekend in GB was a lot of fun, except for yesterday.

Yesterday my dad went into the hospital with some chest pains, and turned out he had a minor heart attack. He also is turning up anemic in blood count tests, so they're checking to see if he's internally bleeding somewhere--not cool. What is also not cool is that the veins that have the blockage are REALLY small, spider web type veins outside the heart, so the doctors can't just go in and clear out the blockage like they could with bigger arteries. What that means is that this condition can't be cured, but he will have to take drugs and take on a healthier lifestyle to try to prevent further damage. To make it worse, my brother Scott had some chest pains as well, and so he was worried that he too had some heart condition. He went to the hospital where my dad is staying to have himself checked out, but turns out his heart is fine and healthy--which is very good news. He has an inflamed chest cavity I guess, caused by stress, that can be taken care of with some ibuprofen. Like my family needed any MORE problems...My dad is doing okay though, and my mom said he was in even better sorts and walking around and stuff today, so that's good. I'll be going home again this weekend, and I'm actually kind of glad. It'll be good to see my dad OUTSIDE of the hospital. And things should be more relaxing at home this weekend than last.

Last weekend was a lot of fun though; it was great being able to introduce Jenny to my family, Mike and Nate, and to the wonderful city that is GB. Jenny and I went out to Caffe Espresso--the best coffee house there is ;) (but maybe I'm biased...) on Friday night, and visited my mom a bit at the Holiday Inn where she was working. Saturday we got up "early" and got set to do some walking for my dad's campaign--a tradition I've been dealiing with since I was old enough to understand what it meant to walk door to door. We did that until the evening, then had some home cooking. Saturday night we went over to Mike and Nate's apartment and had them take us out to the bars downtown. It turned out to be a fun (and cheap) night (perhaps not so cheap for Mike and Nate, but oh well ;)

Yeah, I know I haven't written about it for a long time about guys, relationships, and stuff like that. I really wanted to get away from talking about the same old stuff over and over again. And don't worry, I really don't plan on getting into that much now and not much in the future. But I will clear a couple things up in case anyone's wondering how the heck the name "Mike" came up as someone I hung out at the bars with. Since he IMed me in January, breaking the long silence I had instituted, we've been talking. Very slowly and uncomfortably at first. It didn't take long for us to renew our friendship though. And then we got together to talk and have been really good friends since then, after getting some issues cleared away. So now we talk online, sometimes chat on the phone, and hang out a little if I'm in town. It's kind of weird cuz we're so friendly, kidding around and flirting. But it's like there's just this overall feeling that it's okay. We're just really comfortable around each other. I'm not sure if it means anything at all, but it's like that all the same, and I really wouldn't trade it. He may have his faults, and we may have had a really messed up past and probably a semi-messed up present, but he's still a good guy and a good friend. I'd like to think that our being able to be such close friends means something, but I don't know. We shall see. For now I'm just enjoying spending time talking and hanging out with him as a good friend. I'm sure some of my friends think I'm nuts for even talking to him, and maybe I am, but the point is, he makes me happy and I'd rather have him as a friend and part of my current life than as a bittersweet memory of my past. The future? that's another story...I hope it's a good one ;)

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