Sunday, January 12, 2003

Yep, I'm back from Aruba safe and sound--thank you pilots and drivers and all of the forces at work in the universe. It was a super awesome week and it feels like it went by too fast for me to even fathom that I was there. I tried absorbing some short moments and those are the ones that stick out the most for me, though they may not sound exciting:

*observing different types of lizards/iguanas climbing up and down palm trees, walking in the gardens and eating bread crusts in the bushes as I watched from my balcony with a view of the ocean and beaches and palm trees spread before me

*sitting on the beach, with a book in my hands, listening to the people next to me speaking in the native language Papiamento and feeling the sun slowly warm me from toes to head

*watching the waves crash into the rocky shoreline on the other side of the island where the wind is stronger and there is nothing else around but rocks, sand, dirt, and some scattered cactus....and ATV trails of course

*basically "giving away" my brother at his civil wedding ceremony in downtown was a serious and almost melancholy moment for me, though I am happy he is in love and enjoying it

*walking the beach at night in a nice flowing silk skirt, barefoot in the shallowest part of the water and looking up at a different view of the stars

Those are just a few somber yet good moments during the trip. There were plenty of more "exciting" ones:
*ATVing all over the rugged parts of the island
*seeing a sea turtle swimming along as I'm floating in the air during parasailing
*swinging into the ocean on a rope off the back of small cruise ship at night (it was supervised and encouraged by the crew so it wasn't like I just jumped off the ship for the heck of it)
*trying tons of new kinds of food and drinks
*winning $81 at the casinos--my first time gambling ;)
*my first flights--awesome views from the window seat of cities, mountains, islands, rivers, etc.

I know I'm going back there, next time with a special someone, though I do not yet know who that special someone will be. There were plenty of moments when that song by Incubus "Wish You Were Here" played through my mind. As great a trip as it was, there were times when I felt a little out of place, being young and "alone." However, overall it was a terrific experience and I am SO grateful for my brother, my parents, my bro's in-laws, and my cousin for helping me out with $ and such, making it possible for me to feel at ease and enjoy all these experiences I didn't think I would have until years to come. I truly am very lucky. And I have a stamp in my passport :) Happy days, oh yes, happy days. Now if I could only get my life in order, things would be just ducky ;)

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