Tuesday, January 21, 2003

first day....not necessarily off to the best start. I'll give you a synopsis....and it's only 1pm! I have 2 more classes....anyway, this is what's going down:

1. I can't park my car on campus cuz I cannot get a parking permit until I have a special need, like a job.
2. I plan on getting a job, but first I must apply for the jobs and get accepted for a job.
3. Which means, for the next couple weeks, my car is going to be across town.
4. I forgot my school id card at home....
5. So I can't get my books....the university bookstore says I either go get my old card or buy a new one...which is $10.
6. I say, hell no! (in my head that is)
7. No books for me...no homework for me....well, some I can do by going to the library and checking a book out....hopefully they'll let me without my blugold card :P

So yeah...I bought a fruit smoothie and now have vented....perhaps things will look up. Well, there is also the thing that the flirty hottie who went on the boston trip with me, who is also married, was in my first class today. ::slap:: I have to NOT think of him like that...grrr, why my class? why?! ::sigh:: oh well, I've learned not to be surprised by much anymore.

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