Friday, January 17, 2003

I'm back in EC and it feels pretty good to be here. It'll be an adjustment I'm sure--especially since I need to go try to find a job tomorrow--we'll see how well that works :P But I have to get a job soon so that, not only can I earn some $, but I can also try and get a parking permit this semester, since my other one ran out. Otherwise, it'll be a long semester of juggling my car between places like Heidi's apt. parking lot, the street by Mandy, and the meters here on campus. Such is life. But I am glad to be back at school where things tend to make a LITTLE more sense at least. And going out to dinner with friends last night was a great sending off--I'll have to make sure I keep in better touch with Amy and Geoff...they're great people to hang out with. Anyways, time to get things arranged in my room. Later!

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