And I just can't stop this moving anymoreI've forgotten what I started moving for...That's pretty much the case for me right now. Like
Tricia said, the K&T B&B is now in business. Problem is, it won't be the K&T for more than a couple months. Then it'll have to have a new name, something like...the J&T B&B or the T&
J Extended Stay. They'll figure something out.
It's not that I'm not enjoying 2nd floor--far from it. It feels so much bigger than the upstairs since the rooms are more separeted and the ceilings aren't slanted. Certainly the bathroom is much larger, and the dining room is a nice addition. And having rooms that are the colors of our choice--that was a sweet bonus. I just hope Jenny will grow accustommed to the "Rose room" in time.
However, my stay in the Rose room will be shorter than expected due to a push from our landlord to fill the 3rd floor apartment. It has always been a possibility that I would move back up there, but that idea seemed a long way off. But today I talked to the landlord and reserved it for May 1. So, not two months from now, I will be moving yet again. The good news is, it wasn't that hard to move down, and I only have to move my own belongings upstairs. The pain in the ass is going to be separating out my stuff and getting resettled. The extra twist? I get to share the upstairs with a NEW "roomie" :)
Every time I tell someone (particularly people older than me) that I'm getting an apartment with my boyfriend, they give me that look like "Do you know what you're getting into?" It's funny, because I never really have thought of it as being a big deal. When other people tell me things like that, I bet I gave them the same look. But now that the prospect looms before me, I can't see what the big deal is. Not even my parents gave me that look when I mentioned the possibility. They were just like, oh, well that will be nice. I suppose if I were the first born, they'd make more of a fuss. You'd think since I was the baby girl, they still would. I'm guessing that my brothers have put them through enough trouble that they're really not concerned with me.
Besides, they've met Chris, interacted with him, and think he's a great guy. They ask about the whole marriage bit, and I tell them for now, we need to save up for a while, and then we'll think about it another year or two from now. Heck, I lived with Chris for two months last summer when I needed a place to stay after moving up here for the summer teaching job. They didn't make a fuss then either. Even my brothers were alright with it, and they're usually (Scott especially) pretty protective and big-brotherly about stuff like that.
Naturally I have worries and concerns that there will be unknown stresses and factors involved, but then, it'd be fairly strange if it was all peachy and wonderful ALL the time. I know Chris is going to miss the friends he currently lives with, especially his longtime
roomie from freshman year of college. But there's no way I'm going to bogart all his time. For certain I'll be kicking his ass outdoors now and then so that I can chill with Jenny, Tricia, Amber, and any other friends who may be in the vicinity. They're only a 10 min drive away anyway. At least I won't have to haul a backpack of clothes and toiletries over to his place 2-3 times a week anymore. Not that I didn't enjoy that, but the convenience alone of having him over without having to share a twin sized bed will be quite worth it.
Geez I babbled a lot this time. I suppose that's what happens when I don't blog often enough. Plus there's just been a lot of big events going on to actually talk about. For instance, my long term sub job at the high school will be over in a few weeks; I have an interview for another long term sub job next week; my class is getting towards the end, which means I have to get my ass in gear for some of the projects; and I've had a bad head cold all week. Not exactly a thrill a minute, but combine all that with moving last weekend and the prospect of moving again at the end of April, and there's a boatload of shite to do.
Oh yeah, and now that it's March, it means beginning the LONG and totally SHITTY process of applying for full time teaching positions for next fall. Long term subbing is great for the resume, but in reality I do the same work as a full time teacher for less pay and no benefits. God I hope I get a job. If I don't, screw teaching, hello grad school.