Thursday, March 17, 2005

When it rains it pours...or snows

Supposedly sometime in the next 24 hours we're supposed to get about 5-10 in. of snow in the area. Judging by the beautiful blue skies and 35+ degree weather, I highly doubt the snow will be that thick; at least, let's hope not.

Speaking of precipitation, there is that old adage "When it rains it pours" so apparently I'm experiencing one of those post-El Nino effects cuz it's become very rainy the last few days of my week. It appears that not only have I been offered the long term sub job that I applied for a couple weeks ago, but that I also will be going back for a second interview tomorrow for a full time, permanent job elsewhere.

It was such a fluke. I was looking at charter schools online, saw a school that had an opening posted a while back, so I emailed and inquired as to weather the position was still open. They emailed back and said, "Yes, it's open. We're in the interview process right now, can you interview today?" Naturally, I emailed back and said "Hell yes!" in so many words. So, without ever applying for the job, I showed up for an interview that afternoon with my resume and letters of recommendation in hand.

I guess the interview went pretty well because I'm going back tomorrow for a 2nd interview. I've never gotten to that point thus far in my search for a job, so I'm pretty nervous and pretty excited. My interview involves not just presenting myself to the administration, but teaching a class for about 30 min while the administrators observe. No pressure, eh? But then, I have been subbing for the last year, so I do know what it's like to enter a strange classroom, present myself with an air of being "with-it" and confident in my abilities, so I'm really not THAT nervous.

It's more the idea of trying to get a job I really want that scares me. Imagine, if you will, a teaching job at a small school that is expanding and thriving, that would start almost immediately, with hours between 9-4:30. How rare is that? Do you know how completely awesome those hours would be for me? I would get so much more sleep than I currently do, and I wouldn't even mind coming in early. Plus, I usually stay late anyway, so getting out later really doesn't bother me at all. AND, it's only a 20 min drive through the city to get there, without really entering any bad traffic zones.

::sigh:: Now all I have to do is make sure my lesson plan is stellar. I have it pretty much planned out, but I have to type up a lesson plan for the administrators to use as a guide to my presentation. And I'm sure I should include the learning goals and all that. Needless to say, I'll be a basketcase tomorrow while teaching during the day, so I hope my students are prepared for a flighty teacher tomorrow. My mind will be completely on what happens AFTER school, at the interview. Ah well, they'll deal. Besides, I'll just have to design the day to be student led or something.

Whatever, preparing for an interview is just a bit more important at this point in the game. I just wish I wasn't here alone tonight so I couldn't get stressed out, but Tricia's dogsitting and Chris has to work super early tomorrow. I'll just have to make up by celebrating tomorrow no matter what happens :)

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