Tuesday, March 08, 2005

When reality rears its ugly head

Today, congratulations is owed to a good friend who just earned her FIRST JOB! Way to go Jenny :) I know you've been searching and waiting and beefing up that resume for quite a while now, so congrats on finally getting the job you deserve.

Naturally, I'm insanely jealous, having not yet procured a full time job yet myself. Chris, too, found a new job a couple weeks ago, and although it is part time, it IS finally something relating to his field, so that's a major bonus. Things are looking up around here...I just hope I'm up there too by the end of this summer.

Yesterday afternoon I had an interview in a nicely inconveniently located southern suburb for a long term sub job that would last from April until the end of the school year. The concept of steady employment is tempting, but that 35-40 min commute certainly isn't. Still, I interviewed (the first on the list this week I guess), and I'll be finding out the status of that application sometime next week. I'm all ashivers with anticipation....Not really.

Actually, my mind is so distant from my current job, it's sort of sad. I keep thinking about all the things I should be doing while I'm mindlessly correcting papers the kids don't give a rip about anyway. Oh, I make sure my questions encourage critical thinking and that our discussions and activities get them motivated or at least interested in the subjects I'm teaching; I just have "more important" things on my mind.

It's almost mid-March, and soon the full time applications will be roaring through the mail system from me to a gazillion school districts in the area. First I must prepare by purchasing a new stack of manilla envelopes, a book or two of stamps, and a whole lot of patience because those fucking applications take a friggen boatload of time with their stupid "essay" questions that they ask you again anyway during the interviewing process. (Example: My interview yesterday involved 20 fucking questions that all went like, "What would you do if....," "Describe how you design lessons that...." and "If you had a really bitchy parent call...", etc.)

The next thing on the agenda is to finish my state taxes so I get more money (my federal refund is already in--yay for me!) And then there's the class I'm taking...My group has been slacking off most weeks, so in the next 4 weeks we need to compile our near-nonexistant research into a 40 minute presentation for the last day of class. Oh, and I suppose I should read the book I'm supposed to use for the take home test due that day too. ::sigh::

Like all good procrastinators would say, "Why do now what I can put off for tomorrow...or maybe the day after that." God I hope my students learn better.

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