Sunday, May 23, 2004

Too many babies!! Too many babies!!!

There's a little joke for Jenni, Chad, and Tricia if she's paying attention ;) This was the big week--Jenni and Chad just had their bundle of joy, little Erik last Tuesday. YAY for parenthood! Man, I can't wait to see these parents in action--you guys are going to be more hilarious than Amy and Geoff. And I just know your little boy is going to one amusing kid, all the way to adulthood. Good luck you two!

As if to add more babies onto the fire...I mean...bleah, I'm sounding like Jesse. What I mean is, I've had an overload of babies in my environment today. After finding out Jenni had her baby, I then proceeded to a baby shower for the sister-in-law of one of my coworkers--pretty far removed,hm? There were plenty of women there, and even MORE KIDS! There were 2 infants, 2 kids about 1 year old, 3 three-year-olds, and a few more kids ranging up to age 15. And the worst part was, almost every single one of them was friggen adorable.

::sigh:: And then I remember that there's a reason why I don't want kids for maybe another five years--I like hanging out with them for a while, but after a couple hours, I'm ready to put them back. So, if I could like, rent a kid like I'd rent a movie, I could deal with that, but I have a feeling that wouldn't go over very well as a business. I suppose that's what babysitting is for. Too bad that now I don't get paid for it. I swear I made a MINT when I was in middle school. So....anybody need a babysitter? I'll do it for free if I can eat your food, watch movies, call my friends, and bring my boyfriend over to make out...I mean help.

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