Sunday, April 18, 2004

Ding Dong Ding Dong, Wedding Bells

Not mine, of course, but this weekend my cousin Nate got married and we all ventured to the celebration. At first I was a little hesitant, thinking it wuuld end up kinda lame with my mom's ultra silly family all there, and Chris being thrown into the throng of them. But, much to my enjoyment, it turned out to be a super fun time.

During the wedding, my immediate family sat together in the back of the church since little Matthew needed to be near the door in case he got whiney. It also meant that we could be as obnoxious to each other as we wanted without disturbing the ceremony, much. I tell you, if you ever feel bored at a church event, just bring my brother Scott along, and you'll be laughing your ass off...much to the disturbance of those next to you. It's like he's completely annoying and yet totally hilarious at the same time...except for when he stuck the wedding program in the back of my dress. Then I just wanted to kick his ass.

The reception was better than expected as well. Once we finally found the place, there was plenty of good food to eat and people to talk to. It would be have been nice if the dance had started a bit sooner after the dinner--I swear it took forever for them to set up. But we got a game of darts in--naturally, Chris kicked my ass at cricket. I knew when the dance started that there was a chance the songs might totally blow, but when it started out with "In the Mood," I had a feeling I might have a good time. And Chris was an awesome sport about dancing to anything from slow dances to "Love Shack" to the "Electric Slide"--even though he had to learn how to do it. I felt so happy; I've never been with someone who was so carefree and confident about putting himself out on the dancefloor. Such a welcome change. We had tons of fun being silly and sexy at the same time.

And it was so great to see how well he socialized with my family. It takes a kick-ass kind of guy with patience of steel to actually seem enthused about chatting with my mom's gabby sisters or with my dad after he's had a few beers. Hell, I wanted to try to escape from my parents and Scott made me promise to keep Dad from sitting next to him, but Chris, he took it head on and impressed all of us. Add some fun in the hotel with a swimming pool, hot tub, pizza, MXC, and a road trip with fun conversation and singing along with Death Cab for Cutie....I'm telling you, if I don't hold on to this guy, I'm going to seriously kick my own ass.

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