Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Tonight I broke down. For the last few weeks I have been hearing more and more about dieting, working out, cutting carbs...it's just ridiculous. It's as though everyone and their mother is trying to get fit this spring. My mom hasn't gone on a diet for years, and now she's breaking out her old Weight Watchers menus and joining her coworkers at Curves. Jenny W and Chris decided to follow his parents' lead and start the Atkins diet and now they've both lost 15 some pounds. Jenny A's mom started a diet and has lost about 30 lbs. Tricia is doing either skating, skiing, or climbing or some other activity almost every day of the week. Heidi started her own version of the Atkin's diet that she heard about from a friend, and though she hasn't gotten too far in it, she is also going to aerobics, so I'm expecting some results soon. Jenny A mentioned going on more walks. My roomie and her freinds are doing aerobics in the living room. I've hit the point where I give up.....I'll start getting healthier.

I've been meaning to for a while, and now it just seems inevitable that I either join the throng of newly inspired healthmongers or join the throng of the people overweight who gave up caring. Part of me really doesn't care if I'm a size 11/12 or 9/10. Another part of me REALLY wants to fit into my silky black pants to go clubbing. And then there's that part of me that has seen what I look like in a bikini mid January and shivers. It's time to gain a LITTLE control back and eat a little better and get my ass out from behind the computer.

I'm not into these specified diets or higly regimented fitness centers. I may not mind a little aerobics, but I much prefer Hydro-aerobics, where people don't have to see any part of me jiggle aside from my chest when it hits the water (sorry for that visual). And I do like going for walks and biking (though i'm not a big fan of indoor cycles, but I will choose those before any other bit of machinery or weightlifting apparatus). The thing is, I'm not a highly self-motivated person when it comes to fitness.

I do walk to classes, and almost always use the stairs, even though there is an elevator available. That's something at least. I'll typically join a person in some fitness activity if they ask me, but it seems I've gained a self-preservation tactic of surrounding myself with friends who also are not into fitness regimes. Not that my friends aren't healthy, and as I've said, some have recently become more health conscious. It's just like it's a sudden wave of fitness frenzy has overcome them, and though I have tried to stop this tsunami from overtaking me and any other good souls unafraid of being slightly to mildly overweight ("well-rounded" as I like to say), my defenses have fallen and the tidal wave rolls on, swiping even more victims to become...dare I say it....health conscious. Ugh, the words stick in my keyboard almost as much as they stick in my throat.

I think being healthy is a great thing, and I'm quite certain I can benefit from loosing about 15 lbs. Mostly, I just want to trim a little pudginess here and there. With Viennese Ball coming up in a couple months, I will have the pleasure of dressing to the nines. Currently, I have a few dresses in my possession that would pass off well as a "V-ball" ensemble, a couple in particular that I have never actually worn. I do have a stunning dress that fits me perfectly now, but after wearing it to my brother's wedding in Aruba and the reception in GB, I'm ready to move on to the next formal gown. Plus, it seems more like a true "ball" when a girl gets to wear a sincerely poofy dress. It's not obsessively poofy, but it clearly has elements of poofiness to it. AND, it's a very pretty red with little black glittery stars on it....and it's super soft to the touch (the stars are actually a faux velvety material that's super touchable ;) Sounds unique, and I tell you, the first time I saw it, I said it was "interesting" which can mean a number of things when I say it. I was very much amused by it and so I tried it on (especially since it was on clearance from $80 to $25). Unfortunately, the 9/10 ended up having a very unmendable rip in the back. HOWEVER, the 7/8 was in prime condition. This being the end of my freshman year of college I thought, hm....why not? So I tried it on, and sure enough, it fit like a glove.

Needless to say, a good couple years can do a world of difference, and it would be a might too snug in the tummy and chestal regions. That's why this health kick is especially appealing. Not to mention, it can't hurt to look absolutely stunning and fabulous and like an all around princess/sex goddess combo at a ball where who knows one could meet. And more importantly, I'll probably feel better this summer when I put my shorts and swimsuits on again.

So here's to a fresh beginning....let's hope this lasts more than a week. Envisioning my mother wearing pants sizes smaller than me certainly should help my motivation :P

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