Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Sorry for the delay on the KRAP. I assure you, it's coming along. Just give it some more time; a little more time is all it needs and then ::bam!:: KRAP will be here. Until them, amuse yourself with this:

one fun comic!
two fun comics! what fun!

I was introduced a year or so back to this site called Penny Arcade and even though I'm not quite sure what they're talking about half the time, I thoroughly enjoy what I DO know, and can pretty much wing what I don't know know. Either way, it's fun seeing such a unique and well done comic by a couple guys that remind me WAY too much of some other guys I know ;)

Not much else to say--I'm not really in the mood to blog much. My grandpa had open heart surgery today and seems to recovering alright from it. My backpack strap broke yesterday morning and I have yet to replace the backpack, which should make walking to class with 2 anthologies, 3 notebooks, and 3 folders tomorrow rather interesting. Other than that, nothing too new. Catch ya on the flip side!

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