Saturday, February 22, 2003

Today I had an orientation meeting for the London student teaching program. EXCITING! Except for the whole issue that no one seems to know exactly when we'll be leaving, where we're being housed and what school will be like there. But have no fear, invest $800 of the non-refundable fees (not including tuition and crap) and THEN we'll tell you. ::sigh:: At least I have a ROUGH idea of when I'm going--October 31-December 20, but of course, I'm going to tour for a while afterwards. I'm just wondering what the school system is like that I'll be teaching in. Is it really similar? or are the classes shorter, longer, every day or not? Things like that buzz around my mind. And then I'll have to eventually start thinking about lesson certainly will be interesting teaching English class to British students.

All this talk about the trip makes me want to leave RIGHT NOW!!!! This semester is so not very exciting. I mean, I'm having fun with friends and all, but the classes leave something to be desired and I'm actually sort of getting tired of the college scene.

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