Friday, June 28, 2002

Check Rebel Dream off the list :) BUT, still waiting for the next book. In the mean time, I'm going back 20 years in the SW saga and reading the first of 9 books in the X-Wing series. I've been meaning to do it for a while, but never had a will to until now, cuz the books I'm reading now tend to refer to stuff that happens in the X-Wing series. The funny thing is, for some reason I never connected the book X-Wing: Rogue Squadron to the video game of the same name :P I realized after reading the first chapter that the game must trace parts of the book, cuz the first "fight" scene is one that strongly resembles the video game. It's amazing how slow I can be sometimes... For now, the classic literature is still on hold while I go through this SW phase. Of course, I have about 20 SW books I could read yet, not including ones that aren't out yet....could be a looong wait--I think my literature had better get a Snickers.

Wednesday, June 26, 2002

You may notice I took the link to my other blog off this site. It's not cuz I don't want people to visit, it's just that with Tricia putting this site on her blog, my friends will see this one and then could link to my other one, and I babble way too much on my other one to let everyone and their brother see it. Honestly, most of what I write about concerns my pathetic "love life" and, during the school year, griping about classes or college life. I almost never write about my friends, and then it's usually just something funny, so don't get all paranoid--of course, no one would do that, would they? ;) Anyway, no new news here really--got over halfway finished with Rebel Dream so I'm happy about that. Not sure what book will be next--I guess it's a surprise :) That's about all for now, check ya later ;)

Monday, June 24, 2002

Yeah, I know this isn't the most thrilling blog, not that my other one is particularly riveting, but this one's more intended to keep track of the Englishy parts of my life. I'll have more to write about when classes resume in fall; for now it's just what I'm working on for the summer, which at the moment is still Rebel Dream. I didn't get to read for 4 hours on the bus on Friday :( The trip was cancelled due to the weather, so we went to a local park instead. I did read a little, but I'm only on page 33. Reading would be a lot easier around my house if my parents weren't so obnoxiously loud, arguing, complaining or just talking. They must be having issues with hearing or something, cuz I swear they've gotten louder over the years. ::sigh:: but living is free here...even if it does require "hard labor." It's not that bad, I know, but getting this house ready for a rummage sale is not exactly a matter of grabbing a few things here and there--it requires a total upheaval of crap we've been collecting since my parents moved in 30some years ago. The good thing about it is that we're finding stuff we forgot about that may either come in handy or is completely useless and we can chuck it to make room for newer junk :P I went through my old closet (the one in my older room that I was forced out of so it could be made into an office when I left for college) and went through some of my old class notes from high school and college (I like to hang on to a few things that seem important at the time) and found some poems I forgot I wrote and some other papers I didn't know I held on to. I really wish I could type up my poetry and short stories here in my blog, but I'm too paranoid about people swiping them and using them as their own. Not that they'd be that good, but I'm sure there's some desperate creative writing students out there somewhere who'll take anythign that has the semblance of a poem so they can get a passing grade without actually using any creativity whatsoever outside the realm of theivery. So, my writing remains in folders packed away for days I might get back to them and finally make them worthy of someone else's attention.

::sigh:: I know I said that I would get some writing accomplished this summer since I'll have more free time, but so far I've been slacking :( Work's been tiring me out so that when I get home all I want to do is take a nap, and then afterwards I feel like getting out of the house. What I should do is have a night or two a week that I go to a park or to a coffee place and just sit and write for a while. I spent many a night at Perkins back at school, so it couldn't hurt to do something like that here, as long as I get some biking and other exercise in too :P School has a way of making a person immobile--spending the day in a desk at class and then going home to sit behind a computer all night. I figure if I can write a few drafts of poetry and maybe some short stories, I'll be in pretty good shape. At least I write in my blogs and journals so I'm not completely ignoring my writing effort. For those of you who don't know, my writing effort includes hoping to get published someday (besides in the 1995 Anthology of Young American Poets that half my class got into) so that I can both be an English teacher AND a writer. I don't expect to be the next JK Rowling or Anne McCafrey, but I wouldn't mind seeing my name on a binding while walking through a bookstore some distant day. ::sigh:: All I need is the drive to actually get it done, which, considering my long time role as procrastinator, is a lot more difficult than it should be. :P Eh, miracles can happen...once in a while.

Thursday, June 20, 2002

Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey.......check!
Now on to Rebel Dream--I've got 4 horus on a bus--I'm thinking I'll have a sizable dent in it, perhaps even get most of the way through it. I'm looking forward to it cuz the last one sort of left ya hanging at the end. I just better not rush through it too much cuz my brother still has the next one over at his fiance's house :P I suppose I shouldn't complain though, since he did buy it ;) Sometimes it is VERY nice having a bro who's into the same series as you are. :) Catch ya on the flip side!

Sunday, June 16, 2002

Okay, here's the plan--my summer reading list, assigned by myself to myself. These are either books I've been meaning to read for a while and haven't or oens I never had a will to before or the next ones in series I like ;)
Wuthering Heights--Emily Bronte
Under the Lilacs--Louisa May Alcott
The House of Seven Gables--Nathaniel Hawthorne
any of the 4 books by Jane Austen in the book I have
The Two Gentlemen of Verona--Shakespeare
The Merchant of Venice--Shakespeare

Star Wars:
The Approaching Storm
Episode II
New Jedi Order: Dark Journey (working on it now)
" " " : Rebel Dream
" " " : Rebel Stand
next book in the series.... (I think it comes out in July)

Others that may or may not happen...
--next Harry Potter book whenever it comes out
--the new Children of the Earth book--I know it's a romance novel, but it's also historical, and it's the next one in a series I started way back in late middle school, and I've been waiting for the next book to come out for something like 6 years or so
--any new R.A. Salvatore D&D book that may come out some day

This is my goal for the summer, and I hope to at least be able to check off a few of them. It's not like my summer is going to be super eventful, so I think I'll manage to make a dent in this list--it helps not having a sig other at the moment. So, plenty of time for theory. Anyway, wish me luck on my literary quest! okay, that was rather lame... :P oh well, that's my humor.....;)

Friday, June 07, 2002

yeah, you can tell from my links that I am into fantasty novels--I can't help it, I've always liked them and I doubt I'll ever grow tired of them :) especially with LOTR out in the movies right now ;)
A new blog for a new day--first day of my real summer. Even with summer beginning, I have not yet escaped the grasp of English matyrdom...I mean majordom...right...with a paper due next week that should have been done today. Not an usual occurrence in the least, and of course it is perfectly understandable that a couple Skyy Blue vodkas and watching Office Space with a friend is oh so much more important than working on a paper that is pretty much my entire grade for the 3 week course I just finished today. As my friend's away message so rightly says "Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday"