Sunday, March 28, 2004

Would you recognize me?

Today I had the pleasure of not being recognized by a couple former classmates of mine. Yay for new haircuts and a good make up day! They weren't people who were snotty or overly self-important; just a couple girls I used to know. It makes me wonder what it'd be like to run into some other people from my NDA days. Eh, the only ones I'd want to see are the ones I still keep in contact with. The rest just aren't worth my time. Although, it'd be nice to find out whatever happened to my frosh year (okay all four years) crush. My guess is that he's either an important part of a successful business, or he's passed out on his fraternity floor.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Halleluja! Halleluja! Halleluja, Halleluja, Halleeeeluja!

Praise be to whatever higher being/existence that we may or may not believe in! For I have actually accomplished something! What is it you ask? All in good time, my friends.

You see, I think I've reached the breaking point. I am at the point where I would do anything, even the unthinkable, to avoid the extremely time-consuming, annoying, and completely pivotal task of applying for fall teaching jobs. Don't get me wrong; I WANT a job, I NEED a job, and I want to know that I HAVE a job as soon as possible. However, it's taking all the motivation I don't have to go about the business of searching and applying. I mean, geez, remember my edition of KRAP devoted to a dissertation on procrastination? Even THAT writing was just to avoid school work. So you see, I will find just about any activity to take the place of job searching. Today it was finally taking our obese (well one is for sure) dogs for a walk. Tomorrow, who knows.

Take these fine examples of my latest procrastination (in order of least to greatest desperation):
*Baldur's Gate II for PS2--Not only did I spend countless hours (okay, 17:36) playing the game; I beat the game and started over again to try and kick more ass in EXTREME MODE.

*Family QT--Lately I've been hanging out with my family a lot more frequently. Whether it be going out to the bars, playing/swearing at Mario Kart, or watching a movie together, it's brought us closer together.

*Anime--I started out just watching and taping Inuyasha, but now I'm totally hooked on Robin: Witch Hunter as well, not to mention I typically tune in to Family Guy and Futurama too since they come on right before the others. I'm such a dork sometimes. (Don't even think about commenting on that one :P )

*Cleaning my room--When on earth did I convert from a staunch believer in cleaning only in life or death situations to someone who actually enjoys organizing her crap?

*Campaigning--I have no idea what could compel me to volunteer so much time helping my dad with his local political campaign. It's either the father-daughter bond ::cough:: guilt trip ::cough:: or I like the exercise...( I think we all know the answer to that one).

Perhaps now that I've blogged about it, I've gotten it all out of my system, and I can start working in ernest on my job applications. Oh crap...but wasn't blogging just another medium for procrastination. Shit.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

P.S. Did you notice that I survived the Ides of March without regression this year? Yay for me!

I don't wanna be told to grow up

Apparently I'm like a kid again. Not that I claim to have matured much since then, but what I mean is, my brother Scott and his wife Jennifer sometimes seem to be like my adopted parents. Or at least Jennifer mentioned that having me around is kinda like having a kid. I wasn't quite sure how to take that comment, but I took it in stride, figuring there was no harm meant be it.

You see, Scott has been looking out for me for quite a long time, even more so in the last few years. He looks at my life and sees what I've done or not done with my young years and tries to help me do more. Let me give an example: a few years ago, Scott and Jennifer went on vacation to Orlando, Florida and invited me and my boyfriend at the time ::cough::dumbass Mike::cough:: to go along with them. I wasn't sure, since it would mean taking a week off of work, but they bought me a ticket anyway. It turned out that Mike was an idiot and thought that working for a week would be a better idea, (even though I offered to even pay for half his ticket, which wasn't even that expensive) and he wasn't willing to even think of another possibility. I'm still a little disappointed in not going and wasting that plane ticket. What a dork.

Anyways, as I was saying, so Scott tends to try to make sure I enjoy the adventures in life, like when he gave me money towards my time in Aruba and in London. And now that I'm here in town, he does little things for me to include me in activities. When he goes out on the weekend with Jennifer, there are times he invites me along, or even tonight, I went over and played video games with them. They've got me so spoiled that, like Jennifer said, it's like I'm their adopted kid. Though I'd rather think of myself as a kid sister. "Kid Sister (Kid Sister), Kid Sister (Kid Sister)...Kid Sister and me!"

Eh, just wait until they actually DO have kids. Those are going to be some spoiled but good little tykes, I tell you that. Who knows when that will be, though they are talking about it for possibly after they buy a house this summer. The world is turning and turning.

My oldest brother Christopher turns 30 this April, and coincidently, my boyfriend Chris turns 23 the day after. And me, I'm still searching for jobs in MN so I can get my ass over there as soon as possible. I wish I had more money saved up to start with, but I guess thankfully, after this Friday, I'll be able to pay off the last of my credit card bills from my European travels and such. Then I'll be at zero and ready to work up from there. Anything from that moment on will be my savings for the summer and fall. I just have to work enough and make enough to be able to get the things I want and need. But hey, I'll sacrifice a new laptop if it means getting out there sooner. May not sound like much, but it's been something I've been wanting for quite a long time. Let's just say there's a little something else I want just a bit more :)

So there's an update for you. Disjointed and not particularly well-written;however, at this point, I'm just amused that I finally got around to blogging again. There's just so many other things to do at home. ... Woah, did I just say that? Hm...maybe it IS a good thing I've got a physical coming up next month--there's gotta be something wrong with me. Seriously though, with family, an occasional friend, work, video games, internet, and the endless process of upkeeping my room and house...blogging just isn't hitting to top of my things to do. It also doesn't help that, well, I've just been doing a lot of trivial things, nothing to really "write home about." I get up, go to work, go home, eat dinner, find something to do for the evening, watch amime from 11-12, and go to bed. Exciting, hm? Yeah, exactly.

But hey, I've been tooling around with the idea of (oh stop that--you know what I mean) bring back to life a new and improved brand-spanking-new edition of KRAP. That whet your appettite? (oh come on--geez) Personally, I think it sounds like a plan.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

I get so lonely baby, I get so lonely...

Alright, so I suck. I haven't updated in about two weeks, and I don't have an excuse that is in anyway valid or interesting. I've just been working, hanging with friends or family, watching my regular shows on TV, or doing some more organizing of my schtuff. You'd think that since I was working on fixing up my blog that I would have been more attentative to it...but well, no. Anyways, I'm here now, even if I don't have a whole lot to say.

Last weekend I was in MN visiting Chris, Tricia, and Jenny, and a good time was had by all :) I love going to the Cities and having fun with everyone, but every time I leave, I have this overwhelming sense of...the overwhelming difficulty of trying to move out there. I have this urgent want and need to be there this summer, as soon as possible. But it's going to be a challenge trying to find a good teaching job in the area this fall, quickly locating a decent summer job there that pays enough for me to move to MN and quit my job here in GB, AND figuring out what kind of an apartment I'll be able to get once I'm there. Unfortunately, my hoped for roomie has aspirations for England once again. Totally awesome opportunity for her and I think it's friggen great that she'd be able to do that. Just sad that we'll have to postpone the creation of our kick-ass pad complete with all of those snazzy decorating ideas.

I think I might actually have more stuff to say next time I blog. I promise I'll work harder, REALLY. But for now, time for bed. Later dudes :)