Thursday, December 25, 2003

Merry Christmas--I aim to tease

With Christmas having arrived and left its drink ring stain on the table, I thought it would be an appropriate oppurtunity to compile a countdown of 12 paricularly memorable gifts that "gay Paris" has bestowed upon my traveling companion and myself....HOWEVER, you will have to be patient for I have not yet compiled this magnificent list since we have not yet finished our trip.

Until then, you'll just have to amuse yourselves imagining what that fine future blog entry will entail while I tantalize you with these few highlights as a preview:

*Eiffel tower sparkling like a big brown diamond
*Baguettes for breakfast
*Crepes for breakfast, crepes for lunch, crepes for dinner...oh, and crepes for dessert
*The Tube could kick Le Metro's ass
*The Louvre, Arc de Triumph, Champs-Eleysey, Versailles...check
*Christmas Eve at Notre Dame with Jenny and 3 glasses of wine
*Christmas Day with the gamers hard at it here at the Internet Cafe

Hope you all are having a great Christmas!! Take care :)

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