Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Christmas, Christmas time is near

Becky sent me a Chipmunks themed Christmas e-card (well, me and about 20 other people, but it was thoughtful all the same) and it was cute. Too bad I couldn't hear the sound on this crappy cafe computer (nice alliteration, eh?), but I could imagine a few Chipmunk tunes while I read the email. For instance, All I Want for Chirstmas, and Christmast Time--one of my favorites: "Want a plane that loops-the-loop, me, I want a hoola-hoop!" So cute.

I heard more songs at the meeting I attended for student teaching tonight. Nice classic Christmas tunes by Bing Crosby and a bunch of other oldies, all floating over the boredom that had me wanting to nod off. Thankfully, it was our last meeting, and it didn't last too terribly long. If they hadn't given us some food, I might have been more annoyed by the only partially interesting 1.5 hours of discussion. But the good news is, I found a smoothie shop on the way to the meeting--go fruit!

I need the fruit, all the fruit I can get, to battle this cold that's setting in. I think the Ben n Jerry's helped too--chocolate is the solution to many problems, all the important ones at least. The rest can be covered by a pint.

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