Tuesday, January 16, 2007

So this is the new year

And I don't feel any different. For the most part, that's true. However, I have made some resolutions this year, and thus far I've made some significant progress towards keeping those resolutions. Want to know what they are? I'm sure they're predictable (considering they're pretty much the same ones every single year).

Katie's 2007 Resolutions

The Body:
1. Work Out - Use the free gym at school at least 3-4 days a week. On other days, do some sort of exercise including: hard core house cleaning, shoveling, sex, walking, sledding, pilates, tai chi, yoga, or any other good outdoor/indoor activity.
2. Eat Healthy - Decrease the snacks. Increase the veggies and fruit. Reduce tea and coffee consumption. And two months before the wedding--no coffee, tea, or soda (time to whiten the teeth).
3. Use mouthwash daily and floss 2-3 times a week.
4. Maintain length and health of hair just long enough to get through the wedding and honeymoon and then...chop it, highlight it, and spike it, yo.

The Mind:
1. Keep up with work - Don't let work pile up and cause late nights of avoidable stress. Reduce nights spent slacking when I could be catching up or getting ahead.
2. Get the Wedding planned - Again, don't let the tasks pile up and cause stupid stress. Take it one step at a time and get everything planned out in advance.
3. Stay in touch with friends and family - If I'm caught up with work and planning, I'll have plenty of time set aside for socializing. These relationships really are what make life worth living, so cherish them.
4. Write! - Despite the fact only five people read this blog, keep on writing. Blogging for the past 5 years has been the best way to track my emotional development and significant moments of my life. Don't give up.
5. Keep the dream - I have a dream that involves crepes. I'm never going to lose it and one day I will find a way to make it come true. Next summer, I'm telling you. It's going to happen.
6. Consider grad school - This spring I will know whether I am at the same school again. Whether I am or not, grad school is in my future. I just hope it's with the school behind me to help pay for it this fall. Part time, of course.
7. Expand my musical horizons - I'm very slow at this. It takes a month for me to get to know a band and it's album and bring it into my conciousness. I need to take more chances and listen to the beauty out there.

The Mundane:
1. Budget - No question. Things are going to be tight this year. I'm a teacher because I love the work and not the money. Sometimes it's frustrating to see things so far out of my reach, but sometimes, it's worth the wait.
2. Keep it clean - This apartment is lovely. And I need to keep it that way as often as possible. It's so fun playing hostess. And it's so much better when friends have a place to sit that's not covered with school work or pretzel crumbs.
3. Neighbors - Even if they're as antisocial as possible, keep putting out the friendly hand. When they're gone, who knows what will move in, so again, cherish what you have.

There's an overview, anyway. The bigger resolutions have some more specific lists to accompany them, but that's for me to worry about. All I need from you is a smile and a thumbs up for trying. Happy New Year.

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