Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Progress of Resolutions...bleak

Even though I truly despise the idea of reviewing my "progress," I'm doing it anyway. Is it any better that I recognize how shittily I'm progressing? Or would it be better if I had my head up my ass? I suppose that would improve my flexibility. I love using adverbs.

The Body:
1. Work Out - Use the free gym at school at least 3-4 days a week...no. Well, the first couple weeks I could blame my minor surgery. Then intense work stress. But now...just lack of routine. That and my room has been about 90 degrees for the past couple weeks, so it hasn't exactly made me want to run down to the gym and pass out.

2. Eat Healthy - Decrease the snacks. Increase the veggies and fruit. Reduce tea and coffee consumption...eh. I've been better about the veggies and fruit. I even ate a couple apples! But the tea and coffee especially have been more difficult to shake. All in good time.

3. Use mouthwash daily and floss 2-3 times a week...halfway there. I've got the mouthwash part down. Now just to be willing to take the 5-10 minutes to floss around my stupid retainer. We'll see.

4. Maintain length and health of hair just long enough to get through the wedding and honeymoon and then...chop it, highlight it, and spike it, yo...no problem. Okay, so this goal is about as difficult and as exciting as watching grass grow.

The Mind:
1. Keep up with work - Don't let work pile up and cause late nights of avoidable stress...a little better. But I'm still behind.

2. Get the Wedding planned - Again, don't let the tasks pile up and cause stupid stress. Take it one step at a time and get everything planned out in advance... just need the cake, wedding list, invitations, and registry...and 20 other small things.

3. Stay in touch with friends and family - Doing great. As though this is a goal I would avoid.

4. Write! - Suck. I again missed an entire month so AGAIN my blog archives look dumb because there is another month missing from the past year.

5. Keep the dream - I'm still dreaming.

6. Consider grad school - Still considering.

7. Expand my musical horizons - New bands for me: Final Fantasy, Dirty Three, Lily Allen, The Prodigals, and perhaps more yet on the horizon.

The Mundane:
1. Budget - Doing better with not eating out as much, at least during the work week. Still blowing money on frivolous items now and then. But doing better overall.

2. Keep it clean - We're doing okay. Chris is much better at it than I am, but then, I do work more hours. AND the TREE IS DOWN! Can you believe it? It won't be a Memorial Day tree this year!

3. Neighbors - They're still here. And still quiet. I guess that's good.

Is there any hope for me this March? Perhaps. If not, at least we can have a good time being Irish in a little over a week. Party at our place!

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