Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Como se dice "I forgot how to speak Spanish coherently?"

As some of you know, I took 4 years of Spanish classes in high school (ncluding 2 years of "Honors Spanish"), earned a membership into the Spanish National Honors Society, AND took 1 year of university level Spanish classes. Well, let me tell you...that just really didn't mean jack when I was trying to actually hold a conversation with fluent Spanish-speakers.

Yeah, I was warned by my high school Spanish teacher that if you don't regularly speak the second language, you'll lose the most of it within the first year. After that, it's a slow decline. And now that it's almost 4 years since my last Spanish class, I struggle even with the most basic of nouns, verbs and conjugations. For instance, today I when asked if I was married I answered that I was only a little tired. Hey, it doesn't help that loud machines are running in the background.

But it's cool cuz some of the workers are making an effort to talk with me, showing great patience with my horrible Spanish. There are a couple workers that actually speak fluent English and they talked with me a little too. If the conversations keep going, maybe I'll actually regain some of my lost language skills. If anything, it made stuffing boxes a little more bareable AND after only 3 hours of brain-wracking, I remembered how to say "to sing."

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